Pumice Stone route from Lombok to Surabaya International Sea Port by truck or vessel

Load capacity on the truck from Head Quarter of Lombok to Lembar harbor : 500 bag, 600 bag, 700 bag, 800 bag dan 1000 bag Load capacity on the vessel from Lembar harbor (Lombok) to Kalimas harbor (Surabaya) : 9000 bag, 10.000 bag, 13.000 bag, 25.000 bag
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The above picture pumice stone load unload from truck to vessel from Lombok-Surabaya
Remark :
Lombok Local Seaport name "Lembar"
Surabaya Local Seaport name "Kalimas"
Surabaya International Seaport name "Tanjung Perak"

Pick-up by truck from location to the Lembar harbor (west of Lombok) and then stuffing/load-unload to the vessel, ready ship by vessel to Kalimas harbor arrive fast 3 day 2 night and late 5 day 4 night, stuffing/load unload from vessel to the truck at Kalimas harbor forward to your shipping company accepted at Surabaya areas, shipping container arrange stuffing, stripping, warehouse, custom clearance, doc fee, C&F and etc. shipping list company also quantity and quality control to be advise by email me

Begin work and process Pumice Stone

Working good dry season in early April, May, June, July, August, Sept, October and the middle November

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