The ProMormon Index

A Guide to Finding ProMormon Answers to Anti-Mormon Questions

Welcome to the ProMormon Index!

YES! Ther are proMormon answers to every anti-Mormon question! And yes, there are proMormon responses to every anti-Mormon claim!

Unfortunately...they are not all in one book! One day that may change, but, until then, if you want to know proMormon answers to anti-Mormon questions, you have to find them; either on the Internet or in books, or a combination of both.

The purpose of The ProMormon Index is to...

*Provide a clearinghouse where people can find proMormon answers to anti-Mormon propaganda.

*Provide training for faithful Members who wish to become Missionary Advisors; to help their local missionaries who have Perplexed Investigators ("PIs"); sincere investigators confused by anti-Mormon propaganda.

ProMormon Answers is an introduction to and overview of LDS Apologetics (i.e. Defense of the Mormon Faith)

ProMormon FAQ are brief questions and answers; written mainly for non-mormons (i.e. Evangelical Christians).

ProMormon Books is a list of the best proMormon books available.

ProMormon Websites is a list of the best proMormon websites.

Some Answered Questions is a 45 page article that answers "BPQs" (blacks and the priesthood questions).

WANTED: Missionary Advisors is a training course for faithful Members of the Church who wanted to help their local missionaries who have PIs (Perplexed Investigators).


ProMormon Answers

ProMormon F.A.Q.

ProMormon Books

ProMormon Websites

Some Answered Questions Regardind Blacks Folks and the Mormon Faith

WANTED: Missionary Advisors!


Foundation for Apologetical Information and Research

There is an organization for Members of the Church who want to support pro-Mormon research into anti-Mormon claims: the Foundation for Apologetics, Information, and Research (FAIR). FAIR is a private, independent organization of Mormons who are interested in Mormon Apologetics (defense of the Faith) either as researchers and/or supporters of research and publications. By September 2002 FAIR has well over 1000 members, by 2004 it had 3000 member, and articles about FAIR have appeared in Deseret News and a number of online LDS publications. FAIR publishes an online journal (called FAIR Journal) every month; the link to which is emailed to members and those on the mailing list monthly. FAIR needs both researchers and financial supporters. Donations to FAIR DO NOT GO FOR SALARIES, offices, computers, etc. FAIR is 100% voluntary. Nobody makes a livlihood in FAIR. Donations to FAIR go directly for publishing research and maintaining the website. FAIR has already published two books, and operates an online bookstore which sells (at discount) pro-Mormon books and CDs. They have an growing database of pro-Mormon articles that answer specific anti-Mormon claims. In 2003 FAIR reached a membership of 3000. If you would like to become a member or contributor of FAIR, and/or be on the FAIR mailing list go to

If you are interested in ordering one or more of the books which the FAIR Online Store offers (at discount) then please contact them at:
[email protected]

FAIR is also producing a number of 1 to 5 page replies to anti-Mormon claims in languages other than English (Spanish, Portuguese, German, etc.). You can find FAIR articles in these languages going to this page:

Missionary Advisors (How To Help Perplexed Investigators)

The only real purpose of Mormon Apologetics is to help those souls confused and perplexed by anti-Mormon propaganda. There are actually hundreds of currently active Members who were once convinced that the Mormon Church was "FALSE"; because of they had read anti-Mormon books. However, because of pro-Mormon works, they are back active in the Church. Pro-Mormon materials work for those souls who are sincere. People who are sincere Seekers of Truth, but who are confused and perplexed by anti-Mormon propaganda are called "PIs" ("Perplexed Inquirers/Investigators"). The purpose of pro-Mormon answers are to help these people. Active Members without doubts don't need it. Anti-Mormons are NOT sincere, and thus could not benefit from it. The only people who are benefited by PMAs are Perplexed Investigators. Most missionaries in English-speaking countries have PIs. In some missions, MOST investigators are or become PIs. Unfortunately, the missionaries are not given one minute of instruction on how to handle anti-Mormon questions from PIs. Most mission presidents simply tell their missionaries to "avoid" debating and anti-Mormon "literature". They do, but what do missionaries do when a SINCERE INVESTIGATOR confused by anti-Mormon propaganda (a PI) asks anti-Mormon questions? Missionaries either tell them "Don't worry about it!", or they try to answer the questions. More often than not these answers are "lame" and totally unsatisfactory. Sometimes the answers are bizaar. This is because missionaries have not been trained to answer anti-Mormon questions; nor should they. They are called and trained to teach the Gospel. But somebody should be there who is trained to answer anti-Mormon questions (AMQs). And, we are hoping, that person might be YOU.

Unfortunately, 98% of PIs never see a pro-Mormon answer to an anti-Mormon claim or book or video! Most PIs are in the "mission field"; they don't frequent LDS bookstores. They simply DON'T KNOW they are answers to ALL anti-Mormon claims!

There is a GREAT NEED for "Missionary Advisors". A Missionary Advisor is a Member of the Church who is very familiar with pro-Mormon answers (PMAs). After they take at least 6 months to become very familiar with all PMAs, they then can approach their local mission president and offer to volunteer as a "Missionary Advisor". This is not a Church-calling, but simply a Member volunteering to assist the missionaries who have PIs (Perplexed Investigators). They can also approach their own Stake Mission President, and the Stake Mission Presidents of stakes within a reasonable driving distance from their home (usually 30 to 50 miles). Missionary Advisors can accompany missionaries and "audit" (hear the anti-Mormon questions of PIs and respond to them) Perplexed Investigators. The purpose of Missionary Advisors is NOT to get into debates or "Bible-bashes" with anti-Mormons, but to audit sincere investigators who have anti-Mormon questions.

If you think you have the time, patience, and desire to become a Missionary Advisor, please go here:


The TRUTH About Ed Decker et al

A SHOCKING Exposé of J. Edward Decker Jr.; founder of Saints Alive in Jesus and maker of "The God Makers" film and author of many anti-Mormon books and film. Read the TRUTH about Decker and his closest friends and associates in the "JESUS Busines"!


The Mormon Faith Un-"DECKER"-Ated: Is Ed Decker Telling the TRUTH About Mormonism?

The TRUTH About Ed Decker is 90 pages! If you don't have a high-speed printer, and want to read this SHOCING EXPOSÉ of Decker (and his closest friends and associates) then you can write down the URL and take it to any college or university library, and print it out there. Sometimes this is free, or it may cost up to 10 cents per page. You can also print it out at FEDEX KINKO'S for 10 cents per page ($9 total). Just BE SURE you tell the clerk FIRST that you want to print something out in "BLACK AND WHITE" (not color). Color copies cost 50 cents per page! Make sure the clerk at FedEx Kinko's KNOWS that you wish to print out a 90 page article on the BLACK AND WHITE printer (not the color printer) BEFORE you try to print-out the article.

The Mormon Faith Un-"Decker"-Ated! is 50 pages!

Neither has a copyright! This means you can print-out both of them, make as many copies as you want to, and give them away to whomever you wish. You can link them to your own websites if you wish. You already HAVE my permission to do so.


THE GAINSAYERS: A Converted Anti-Mormon Responds to Critics of the LDS Church by Darrick T. Evenson (Horizon Publishers, 1989). 236 pages. Hardcover. About $17 plus tax at Deseret Book. $15 plux tax at Seagull. Most LDS bookstores don't have this in stock. Most clerks type in "Gangslayers" instead of "Gainsayers" and then say, "Nope, we don't carry it!" If you wish to order this book you need to "spell out" the title to the clerk slowly ("G-A-I-N-S-A-Y-E-R-S...this is one word"), and, if that doesn't work, you need to hand them the Deseret Book product I.D. number: 100011414.

If you don't live near a Deseret Book store, then you can go online at and type in the "Search" area: Gainsayers. You can also order a copy from Deseret Book in Glendale, Arizona:


Please send your comments and questions to:

[email protected]


The ProMormon Index is an independent website, and is not affiliated with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, FAIR, FARMS, SHIELDS, nor any other organization.


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