ProMormon Books

ProMormon books have only three purposes:

*To teach faithful Members how to answer anti-Mormon questions so they can help people who have such questions overcome them and come to faith in the Restored Gospel.

*To help those Members whose faith is wavering because of anti-Mormon claims.

*To help Perplexed Investigators ("PIs"). A "PI" is a sincere investigator or new convert who is "perplexed" (confused/upset) because they have heard of read or seen anti-Mormon propaganda. Until their questions are answered, they will not join the Church, or remain inactive.

If you are a faithful Member who wants to "help" the missionaries who have PIs, or if you are a Member who has anti-Mormon questions needing to be answered, or if you are a Perplexed Investigator, we can help you.

The following is a list of current ProMormon Books that we recommend you buy and read.


I Have An Answer by Dr. David Pressley Bowman. A very good book that answers many major (and some minor) anti-LDS claims. Weak in a few areas (like DNA and Lamanites), but strong in most.
Published by Cedar Fort Inc. and avaiable at or through most LDS bookstores.


Let No Man Deceive You by Bruce Richardson. This is a very comprehensive proLDS book; written in encyclopedia style. 296 pages. You can buy this directly from the publisher, or order it via any LDS bookstore.
To order directly from Envision Press call:
Email: [email protected]


The Gainsayers: A Former Anti-Mormon Answers Critics of the LDS Church by Darrick T. Evenson. 236 pages. Hardbound. Answers some major anti-Mormon claims found in "The God Makers" films and books. You must order this exclusively through Deseret Book (Glendale Arizona Store). You can contact them at:


Are Mormons Christian? by Stephen Robinson. About 200 pages. A classic in LDS apologetics. Most LDS bookstores have this in stock, or you can order it from any LDS bookstore.


Latter-day Christianity by Daniel Peterson et al. This is a small colorful booklet that answers 10 issues PIs (Perplexed Investigators) have about the Church. This is an excellent book to give to sincere investigators confused by anti-Mormon propaganda. This is available at or via any LDS bookstore.For Perplexed Investigators


One Minute Answers to Anti-Mormon Questions by Stephen Gibson. This is an excellent book to give to Perplexed Investigators (sincere investigators confused by anti-Mormon propaganda).For Perplexed Investigators.


A Ready Reply by Michael T. Griffith. A very good book for those who wish to gain the knowledge to become Missionary Advisors; those who help missionaries who have Perplexed Investigators ("PIs"). You can order this via any LDS bookstore or from the FAIR bookstore online:
[email protected]


How Firm A Foundation: Evidneces of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ by Michael T. Griffith. He quotes Protestant and Catholic scholars that confirm LDS beliefs. You can order this via any LDS bookstore or from the FAIR bookstore online:
[email protected]


Guess Who Wants To Have You For Lunch: A Missionary Guide to Anti-Mormon Tactics by Alan Denison & D.L. Barksdale. This is a nice introduction to learning anti-Mormon tactics. Good book for missionaries going to English speaking countries (where there is alot of anti-Mormonism). You can order this from the FAIR bookstore:
[email protected]


Take Heed That No Man Deceive You by Richard I. Winwood. 120 pages. Very nice book written specifically for Perplexed Investigators. You can order this book via the FAIR bookstore:
[email protected]


Defending the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by Wayne D. Arnett is a great little booklet that introduces the Reader to LDS Apologetics! It has a list of many proMormon books and websites. A MUST HAVE for an aspiring LDS Apologist or Missionary Advisor. You can order this via the FAIR bookstore:
[email protected]


They Lie In Wait To Deceive by Robert L. Brown & Rosemary Brown. This is a series of 4 volumes (5 upon completion in 2006) that expose professional Anti-Mormons such as Dee Jay Nelson, Walter R. Martin, Ed Decker, Wayne Cowdrey, Jerald and Sandra Tanner, etc. Doesn't deal with any doctrinal or historical issues; merely PROVES (with document photocopied inside like in a court of law) that professional Anti-Mormons are LIARS and con-men and con-women! This series is a MUST HAVE for any LDS apologist. This series can be ordered, at a special reduced rate, from the FAIR bookstore.
[email protected]


To go to the FAIR website (including the FAIR bookstore) just go to:


There are other proMormon books, but most of them aren't very good, and a few can do more harm than good. Read these above, and you'll be ready to help Perplexed Investigators ("PIs"=sincere investigators confused by anti-Mormon propaganda).


How To Become A Missionary Advisor

ProMormon Websites


The ProMormon Index is NOT affiliated with FAIR, nor The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or any other organization.

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