Missionary Advisors

How To Assist Local Missionaries Who Have Sincere Investigators Confused By Anti-Mormon Propaganda

The Church does not currently provide PMA (ProMormon Answers) for missionaries to give to their Perplexed Investigators ("PIs"). However, the Church does allow individual mission presidents and Ward Mission Leaders to use "Missionary Advisors". This is not a formal 'calling', and the Church does not want it to become a formal calling. Members of the Church who wish to assist the missionaries who have PIs can approach their local Mission President and their own Ward Mission Leader and volunteer their services as a "Missionary Advisor". They need to FIRST complete the Missionary Advisor Training Course (below). This should take anywhere from 2 months to 6 months.


A "Missionary Advisor" is a faithful Member of the Church who is trained to provide proMormon answers to anti-Mormon questions to sincere investigators and new converts confused by anti-Mormon propaganda. A Mission Advisor volunteers in his own ward, stake, and nearby stakes within a reasonable driving distance. Missionary Advisors do not teach nor assist in the teaching of Discussions. Nor do they deal with areas such as Word of Wisdom, mental health, family issues, work issues, etc. They have only two areas of expertise:

1) Providing perplexed investigators with PMA (promormon answers) so that the PIs will become UNperplexed and continue to take the Discussions.

2) Providing copies of Some Answered Questions for investigators who have BPQs ("Blacks and the Priesthood Questions").

A "Perplexed Investigator" is a sincere investigator or new convert who is confused by AMP (antimormon propaganda) and is seeking answers. A PI is NOT an "anti-Mormon" seeking to debate or deride, but a sincere person who is sincerely seeking to become unconfused (unperplexed). Perplexed Investigators are known as "PIs".

Anti (pronounced--"Antie" rhymes with "can't I?")=anyone who is anti-Mormon. ProMormon=anything written or published in defense of the Mormon Faith. PLEASE DO NOT USE "Anti-Anti" but "ProMormon" instead!

PMA=promormon answers to antimormon questions and claims.

AMP=antimormon propaganda in any form.

PI=perplexed investigator

MA=missionary advisor

BPQs=blacks and the priesthood questions. Any questions dealing with Mormons and racism, curse of cain, priesthood-ban, etc.

The 12 Steps

So, you want to help defend the Mormon Faith against anti-Mormon attacks! Welcome!

There are basically three types of people in the Church:

*Those who say, "If the Brethren would have wanted Members to defend the Church, then they would have authorized them via proper Priesthood channels!"

Out answer is that the Brethren have done this on several occassions. Church leaders authored David C. Pyle to be an "Apologist" in his stake in California in the mid-1990s. The other authorization is secret.

Why no more authorizations? Because the Brethren know that "bad apologetics" is worse than "no apologetics". Members willing to become Apologists ("defenders of the faith") are rarely willing to STUDY to become "good" at this! Rather, they tend to go out, read one anti-Mormon book or article, then go out and try to help the missionaries with Perplexed Investigators (i.e. sincere investigators confused with anti-Mormon propaganda). These self-made "Apologists" always get confused and SLAUGHTERED by anti-Mormons (who often spend years in research and reading). Because of this, more harm than good comes from it.

So, if you wish to be a Missionary Advisor, you must:

1) Be willing to donate 4 hours a week in reading PMA (pro-mormon answers--anything which answers anti-Mormon propaganda).

2) Be willing to donate your time helping the missionaries with PIs (Perplexed Investigators) after you have completed the MATC (Missionary Advisor Training Course). DO NOT ATTEMPT to become a Missionary Advisor UNTIL you have completed the Mission Advisor Training Course!!! Some of you think you know more than we do. You don't. We have done this for 30 years (in some cases). Do.....NOT....attempt to help missionaries with PIs until you have completely completed the Missionary Advisor Training Course.

Here are the steps to follow:

#1) Inform your spouse of your intentions of becoming a Missionary Advisor.

#2) If your spouse agrees, then pray about it. If your spouse doesn't think this is a good idea DO NOT CONTINUE! There have been divorces over this, and being a MA is not worth a temple divorce!

#3) This is the MOST IMPORTANT STEP!!! You must ask your Area Presidency if you can volunteer as a Missionary Advisor! Without their permission, your local leadership will most likely "halt" your endeavors; thinking they are doing the Church a "service" thereby. Write a letter to your Area Presidency just like this one:

Elder ______________
Idaho Area Presidency
50 East North Temple St.
Salt Lake City, UT 84150

Dear Brethren,
Our missionaries are losing many sincere investigators because of Anti-Mormon propaganda. These people are not "anti-Mormon", but sincere investigators who are seeking answers. Unfortunately, the missionaries are not trained or called to answer such questions. I would like to assist the missionaries in my ward, stake, and mission, to help them with perplexed investigators (i.e. sincere investigators troubled with anti-mormon questions). I plan to read quite a number of promormon (defense of the faith) books before I begin. I do NOT wish to debate anti-Mormons, and I will not debate. I merely wish to help sincere investigators confused by anti-Mormon propaganda. I would like to ask your permission to be a "Missionary Advisor" in the mission I live in; so I could assist the missionaries with such individuals. I understand this is not a formal calling, and I will not see it nor present it as such. I merely wish to help confused sincere souls who need answers. Thank you, Brethren, and I shall await your reply.

Idaho Falls 2nd Ward

You MUST WAIT for a reply! This may take up to 4 months. In the meantime, if you wish, you can begin the training. Most likely you'll receive a letter to your bishop that your bishop will be instructed to read to you. The letter will say something like this:

Dear Brother _________,

We have received your letter and appreciate your concern. We cannot authorize you nor call you to serve in a capacity such as "Missionary Advisor". However, if you are willing to assist missionaries on your own, you can do so as long as they and other local authorities understand you are not in an official Church calling or position. We wish you the best of luck, etc.

Your Stake Presidency will have received a copy of the same letter. Local Mission Presidents may not have received one. Ask the bishop if you can have a copy of the letter to show local Ward Mission Leaders and Mission Presidents. If he refuses, then request the same from your Stake Presidency. They should oblige. If so, then make copies and give them to local Ward Mission Leaders, local Mission Presidents, etc., in all areas you are willing to assist in.

#4) Choose 4 hours a week for "reading time" that does not conflict with work, Church, or family time. You'll be reading proMormon books during this time.

#5) Purchase all 12 books in the Missionary Advisor Training Course. This should come to be about $200 total (includes shipping costs).

#6) Read the books in the following order (this is important!). The stars *** reveal how important the book is to read. The brackets [] tell you the estimated time it will take you to read these books! DO NOT SKIP AROUND or "speed-read" them! It is VITAL that you read them slowly, in a comfortable place, and with no distractions. Read these in step:

*Latter-day Christianity [1 hour]

***They Lie In Wait To Deceive (all 4 or 5 volumes) [24 hours]

****One-Minute Answers to Anti-Mormon Questions [6 hours]

***Take Heed That No Man Deceive You [2 hours]

**Are Mormons Christian? [3 hours]

**The Gainsayers [3 hours]

**A Ready Reply [2 hours]

*****Let No Man Deceive You [3 hours]

DO NOT RUSH!!! Don't try to read these all at once or in a week or two weeks. Listen! This is very important. Pace yourself, or this won't work. Don't get "curious" and read around here and there from every book. Be disciplined. Be patient. Follow the guidlines.

Instructions on where to find and purchase the above books are below. You can order some from Deseret Book, but not all. Some have unique buying guidelines. If you cannot "buy" a particular book (all may not be in stock) then go on without it. But, try to purchase all 12 books.

Once you have finished reading all 12 books YOU ARE NOT FINISHED! You have much more to do before you can be an effective Missionary Advisor!

#7) Print out and read the following websites:

The Mormon Faith Un-"Decker"-Ated
www.geocities.com/saintsaliveinjesus/mormonfaith.html (50 pages)

Ed Decker: Man of God or godless con-man?
www.geocities.com/promormon/decker.html (90 pages)

If you don't have a high-speed printer then you may want to go to FedEx Kinkos and make a black and white (NOT color!!!) copy of each of these webpages. FedEx Kinkos is a copy center with Internet Computers. Get on one of their computers and print out both web articles in black and white (make SURE that you choose the black and white printer BEFORE copying....ask the clerk to help you!). Black and white copies cost 10 cents per page. Total cost will be about $14 plus tax.

You must READ both of these articles TWICE! Keep them for further reference.

#8) Read the following article ONLINE (do not print-out):


Remember it for further reference. You'll be using that website as a reference for looking-up answers time and time again.

#9) Along with helping PIs, you also assist the local missionaries who have sincere investigators (of whatever color) who have BPQs ("Blacks and the Priesthood Questions"). Sincere black investigators (and some of other races) almost always have BPQs ("Is the Mormon Church racist?" "Why didn't the Church allow blacks the Priesthood before 1978?" etc.). The BEST way to help missionaries is to provide them with the following web article:

Some Answered Questions

Some Answered Questions is about 40 pages, and was written specifically to answer such questions. Print out a copy, and make further copies of it (there is no copyright), and give these copies to missionaries who have sincere investigators with BPQs. Read the article yourself, but use it instead of trying to remember it and answering from memory. Simply GIVE the article to missionaries to GIVE TO their SINCERE investigators who have BPQs. About 95% of black investigators will have BPQs. Ask your local missionaries "Do you have any black investigators?" Then ask, "Do you have any blacks and the priesthood questions?"

#10) You have COMPLETED the Missionary Advisor Training Course! It should have taken you 2 to 6 months. You are now ready to help missionaries with Perplexed Investigators. You must INFORM the following very important individuals of what you want to do:

*Your bishop

*Your Stake Presidency

*Your Ward Mission Leader

*Your Mission President (or Presidents if you live near 2 or more missions)

We have provided an online Letter of Intent that you can print-out (3 or more copies), fill-out, and give to the VIPs. Print-out the Letter of Intent and give them/mail them to the VIPs:

Letter of Intent

You can copy the Letter of Intent while you write your own letter if you wish, or use the letter itself.

#11) Print up white business cards that includes your name, your telephone number, and the caption "Missionary Advisor" and perhaps "Help in providing sincere investigators answers to Anti-Mormon Questions and BPQs".

#12) Invite your local missionaries (especially your nearest Zone and District Leaders) to dinner; as many as you can hold. Explain that you are a new Missionary Advisor, that it is a volunteer position, not an official calling, and that you have the training to....

1) ....help sincere investigators who have Anti-Mormon questions.


2) .....to help sincere investigators who have BPQs ("blacks and the priesthood questions).

Give all the missionaries your card that has your name and under it "Missionary Advisor" plus your phone number. DO NOT put the Church's name, your Ward name, etc.,on the card!

Invite for Dinner Appointments the missionaries in your ward, then the next night their district leaders, then the next time their zone leaders, and then the next time missionaries companionships in adjacent wards. The "word" will soon spread that you are an "Anti-Expert" and the missionaries will begin to call you for help. You have completed the 12 Steps! Congradulations! You are ready to help Perplexed Investigators.


1) DO NOT read anti-Mormon books or propaganda! All anti-Mormon claims are dealt with in the PMA (promormon books and webpages). Don't bother reading anti-Mormon propaganda and trying to "research" it. That's already been DONE FOR YOU in the PMA. Read the PMA as outlined.

2) DO NOT try to "teach" the missionaries to answer Anti-Mormon Questions! They are not called for that, and you and they don't have enough time for that. If they have questions, keep it brief and don't speed much time answering them. Tell them:

"Elder, I can ASSURE you there are answers to ALL Anti-Mormon claims, but YOU are not called to answer such claims. You're called to teach the Gospel and baptize. Once you get off of your mission, then you can study this stuff. But, I advise you NOT to be concerned with it until then. If you have a perplexed investigator--confused by anti-Mormon stuff, LET ME HANDLE IT! I'm trained for that! I trained many months for it. OK?"
3) DO NOT continue with this if you have a compulsive disorder that we call "Obsessia Anti-Mormania" (i.e. total obsession with anti-Mormonism). This happens sometimes. It is NOT good! Men begin to "get into" all this and become addicted to it, and neglect their wives, family, and Church callings to read and debate etc. YOU ARE NOT TO DEBATE. If you find your job, family life, jeapardized by this then GET OUT and never look back.

4) DO NOT debate or argue with "antis". IT won't work. They are NOT concerned with truth. They are NOT listending to what you have to say. You are not called to debate antis, but to ADVISE missionaries and to COUNSEL perplexed investigators. Remember the goal: to help perplexed investigators--to answer their concerns--so that they can continue with the Discussions and eventually be baptized and be happy Members of the Church.

5) DO NOT try any of this without going through the 12 Steps. If you do, you'll fail, and look foolish too.

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