ProMormon Websites

Here is a list of ProMormon Websites. None of them are "official". In other words, all of these websites are done independent of Church direction. However, the Church has not (as of yet) contacted the authors of these websites (all of whom are Mormon) to say, "Please stop what you are doing". So, the Brethren (Church leaders) neither officially endorce nor condemn these websites.

These websites offer ProMormon answers to Anti-Mormon questions.


Foundation for Apologetical Information and Research

FAIR is the only organization of Latter-day Saint Apologists ("defenders of the faith")other than FARMS and SHIELDS. It has about 3000 members (most of them financial supporters). It hosts:

*A monthly email newsletter.

*A yearly LDS Apologetics Conference in Utah.

*An online bookstore of LDS Apologetical books and related materials.

*Many papers in response to anti-Mormon claims.

FAIR writes brochures and other articles that the layman (non-scholar) can read and understand; all replies to anti-Mormon claims. All of these papers, brochures, and articles can be found on the FAIR website.


Foundation for Ancient Research & Mormon Studies.

FARMS is part of Brigham Young University. It is an organization of scholars who have expertize in various disciplines. FARMS specializes on LDS apologetics in the areas of the Book of Mormon and the Book of Abraham. Much of FARMS materials are very "scholarly" in tone, and are NOT easy reading for the layman! FARMS publishes many books which can be found in LDS bookstores. FARMS publishes scholarly papers online at their website. FARMS sponsors various symposiums throughout the year on Book of Mormon studies, Dead Sea Scrolls, and other subjects only some of which are LDS Apologetics related.


Mormon Response to Criticism

Mormon Response to Criticism is an excellent website that answers many common anti-Mormon claims; mostly on doctrinal and historical questions.


Mormon Fortress

. A good website for proMormon answers to anti-Mormon claims.



LDSFAQ is excellent, and the most comprehensive index of proMormon answers to anti-Mormon claims that can be found on the Internet.


The TRUTH About Ed Decker

A website that deals specifically with exposing Ed Decker; the author of "The God Makers" books and films, founder of Saints Alive in Jesus, and the most successful professional anti-Mormon of all time.


Mike Griffith's Defending the Faith Website

Mike Griffith is a well-known LDS Apologist. His website has many good articles in answer to anti-Mormon claims.


Scholarly and Historical Information Exchange for Latter-day Saints

SHIELDS is a small organization of LDS Apologists who provide online responses to anti-Mormon claims.


Wade Englund's Apologetics

Wade Englund's Apologetics exposes the use of deception and absurdity by anti-Mormons.


The Truth About Anti-Mormonism

The Truth About Anti-Mormonism has good articles in reply to some major anti-Mormon claims.


ProMormon Answers

ProMormon Answers is a website that provides links to proMormon answers to the top three "stumbling blocks" to faith for Mormons: anti-Mormon questions, blacks and the Priesthood questions, and Science vs. Religion questions.


If you know of any other LDS Apologetics websites please send a link of that website to:

[email protected]

Q. Why doesn't the Church provide answers to anti-Mormon questions?

A. We don't know! If you find out why, let US know! However, many of us have been on the Internet responding to anti-Mormon claims since 1990, and we have been actively helping local missionaries with Perplexed Investigators since 1981. If the Brethren did not want us doing this they would have told us to stop by now! Don't you think?

One LDS Apologist named David Pyle, who live in Southern California, wrote to The First Presidency. He wanted to help missionaries with Perplexed Investigators. In response, his Area Presidency authorized that he have a "special calling" in his stake, and he fulfilled this for several years. After that time he wrote back to The First Presidency asking if he could form an organization of Mormon defenders of the Faith. The First Presidency wrote back and said:

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