Walkthrough, Level 13: Nuclear Infiltration

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I do not guarantee that this walkthrough is complete. The route described below is the one I have found be the easiest. I know and you probably know as well that there are plenty of different ways to finish the level.


  1. Secure deployment zone for Anya and friendly forces

This level consists more or less by three parts.

  • First you shall make your way to a tunnel entrance, which is pretty much "normal" Project IGI play. Either you shoot your enemies from distances greater than 50 m. with AK47 and binoculars or you watch your map computer and time your movements to sneak up in their backs.
  • Then comes a "tunnel part" which might be difficult if you don't know the trick. When you know the trick it's a walk in the park.
  • The last part is taking out a whole compound, which is preferably made with the Dragunov, so don't waste your Dragunov-ammo in the earlier parts.
If you ask me it's not a very funny level. I don't like this tunnel business, since it limits your alternatives. In most other levels you have several opportunities, but not here. And what a strange nuclear power compound. Only one single gate in the whole compound. What do they do with heavy trucks which need to get to the radar compound? Take everything through the tunnel system? Why is there a garage at the radar compound, no cars can get there... Anyway, who cares what I think? On with the walkthrough;

You start outside the compound. You'll have one guard in the watchtower to shoot with binoculars and M16A2 (screenshot right). You have three patrolling guards in the closest area and another one under the camera of the very large warehouse. Try to get their attention by either shooting some shots at them or by just showing yourself. Once you have their attention they will come running after you. Back off, out of the compound and a few steps up the hill (close to where you started). The guards will stop at a spot 52-53 meters from you and make easy targets (screenshot below, left). They will make even easier targets when they get bored by waiting and walks back (screenshot below, right).

Enter the large warehouse (not the super-large) and pick up hand- and M16A2-grenades. Exit warehouse. You shall now go north. Stand 50 meters from the corner of the brick wall and wait until the patrolling guard has his back towards you. Run forward, be a sport and shoot him in his back. Do the same with the two patrolling guards on the ramp.
If you want you can enter the northern barrack and pick up some M16A2-ammo. Be careful not to alert the two guards in this barrack and three in the other barrack, though.
Shoot the guard at the balcony of the Guard's HQ. When you hit him the first time he will make a clever move. He will change balcony! Don't let this infamous trick disturb you. When he's dead, go for the other guy patrolling anti-clockwise around the building. Run and stab him in the back! Oh, yes, Don't run in the gravel, he might hear you.
Enter the Guard's HQ. Pick up medikit and go up on the eastern balcony. From there you will be able to snipe a guard in a watchtower (screenshot).

Now it's time for the tunnel part. The trick is to alert the guards behind doors so that they have to open a door to come to you. Here's how to do it;
Open a door, shoot any guard nearby. If there isn't anyone there, wait until the door starts to close, then fire one shot. Now wait behind the closed door. If a guard was alerted he will come running and open the door. Since he only can see your head (yes, this is strange) and you can see his whole body it's easy to shoot him while the door is opening, see screenshot.
Then enter the room, shoot one shot and go out through the door again. Wait. Shoot if anyone comes. If not, continue to the next door and perform the same actions. It is a very time but not health consuming way, but it works very well.

Locate the entrance to the tunnel. Ride the elevator down. A guard will wait to the left. You can't shoot him once and then wait him out, since he is one of the few guards who feels pain and anger and he will not stand still and wait for your next shot. Once he is dead, quickly change weapon if you're low on ammo on the one you're carrying, since another guard will come running through the door and you will maybe not have the time to reload.

When the next one is dead, open the door, run to the next door, open it, shoot one shot and quickly return to the elevator room before the first door closes. Two guards will come after you. They won't open the door (all the next guards will, but not these two lads) so you will have to open it by yourself. Big deal! Open and shoot them where it hurts the most.

Now you can enter the second door and open the third. Shoot one shot. 1 + 2 guards will come running. In the room after you won't find any guards, but a neat pick-up; Jackhammer and ammo. From now on the Jackhammer is the recommended weapon to use in the tunnel. It has excellent fire-power in short distance and you can almost shoot automatic fire with it. Now continue, using the tactics mentioned above. I lost count, but there are rooms and corridors, all with guards who will hear your shots and come running to open the doors. Jackhammer them away and you'll be safe. Don't waste Jackhammer-ammo when you just wanna alert guards, you won't get anymore shotgun-ammo.

I could have had some more screenshots here, but they all look the same as the one above, a guard opening a door. Let's not waste any more time in the tunnels. Oh yes, one more thing, there is a junction where you shall go right (the room straight ahead contains nothing).

Ride the elevator to the surface. There are four guards patrolling the area around you. Check your map and exit to shoot them one by one. To play it safe you can return to the elevator room between the kills, no guards will enter the elevator room.
When you have cleared the area, check out the western small warehouse (flashbangs and hand grenades) and the eastern barrack (medikit +50). Again check your map so that you can sneak up in the back of the enemy patrolling the area behind the crates.

Now it's finally sniping time! If you've wasted your valuable dragunov-ammo and only have a few shots left, there are three guards who you should pay extra attention to; The sniper on the top of the tank, the guard in the watch tower (screenshot left) and the one inside the heavy machine gun post (screenshot right).
The rest of the guards can be quite easily be killed with AK47 and binoculars. Once alerted they will run outside the gate, but wait at a certain spot. Don't get closer than 50 meters and you can be of good courage and easily kill them. All in all there are 15 guards that you can snipe.
Save the guards at the communication centre to the last. If you're getting low on ammo you can climb the tank at the fuel dump where the sniper was and take get some extra ammo.

The last guard hides in the communication centre. A well placed hand grenade through the narrow hole will finish him and the level. Anya and Harrison will come and give new directives (Funny, now that you killed everyone by yourself there is a multiplicity of friends who want help and give advice. I have been wrong, this game is truly realistic).

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