Papal Secretary's Website: Linkspage

From the Desk of Lúcio Mascarenhas,
Secretary for Correspondence to His Holiness Michael I, by the Grace of God, Pope.

Strongly Recommended websites

H.H. Pope Michael I, Delia, Kansas, U.S.A.
  1. The One Holy Catholic & Apostolic Church
  2. H.H. Pope Michael
  3. The Vatican-In-Exile (TLD)
  4. "Where Is The Catholic Church?"
  5. "Catholic Research Service" & "Catholic Research Service" (TLD)
  6. "Catholic Controversy"
  7. "Truth Is One" (Project)
  8. Backup & Download sites
  9. Siri site
Lúcio Mascarenhas, Bombay ("Mumbai"), India
  1. Orthopapism (lost)
  2. Orthopapism (current)
  3. "Livrant" (auxiliary site)
  4. D-List: The Goan Center
  5. Blogs: GoanPatriot | "Repair My Church" | St. Hubert of Liege

See also:
The Aarti Controversy | Not In Communion With Rome? | The Heresies of Lefebvrism | The Piety of John-Paul II | Clerical Paedophilia

Websites with some good content, but not wholly endorsed by us

The Brindles' with The Radio Replies, by Frs. Rumble & Carty, 1930s- 1940s (Strongly recommended book)
The Douai-Rheims-Challoner Bible
Novus Ordo Watch
The Ratfinger Dossier
Mario Derksen's Website
Mario Derksen's Reaffirmation of Capital Punishment as a Catholic Doctrine.

Websites with some good content, yet strong caution needed

Website of the Feeneyite heretics, the Brothers Michael & Peter Dimond.

Least recommended, even STRONGLY contra-indicated, websites

Traditio website
Hutton Gibson's website

See alson Traditionalists & The Heresy of Acephalism & Hobsonmania. David Hobson is one of the worst persons and his websites, while containing much valuable information, are badly contaminated by his lunacy.

Kind regards,

Lúcio Mascarenhas, Bombay, India
Secretary (Correspondence) to H.H. Michael I, by the Grace of God, Pope.

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