Amy Is...
Amy Says...
Amy Wears...
Amy Dates...
Amy Links...
Amy Stuff...

Ain't No Such Thing As Too Much Amy Wong
(incorporating the Planet Express Service Station)

is run by Andy McDermott

 Opened: 24 Feb 2000 (PESS), 25 Apr 2000 (ANSTATMAW)
Sites merged: 29 Aug 2001
Last updated: 18 October 2003

 Made on Macintosh

Site Updates
A (very) minor update -- added a bit of new art on the Stuff page. I'm expecting the DVDs for season 4 soon, though, so hopefully there will be a burst of activity before long!

13-4-03: It's certainly been a while! I've updated Amy Says up to 'Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles', and may (no promises) start adding in episode reviews one at a time. If you're wondering what I've been doing for the last several weeks while Futurama has been airing new episodes, I've been working flat-out on writing a new novel. And I mean flat-out -- I've cracked the 60,000 word mark in 28 days, and have no intention of stopping until I finish (around 90,000 words if my estimates are right). As you might imagine, this is a teensy bit of a drain on my spare time, so I haven't been doing a whole lot else... but at this rate, I should have the first draft finished in about two weeks and can take a break! Who knows, I might even be done in time to celebrate ANSTATMAW's third birthday if I really work at it!

31-12-02: Well, it's one way to spend New Year's Eve -- updating a website! (No, I'm not such a saddo that I did it in the evening. I did it during the day, guh! I have other sad things to do tonight...) Amy Wears is finally up to date, and a couple of minor bugs have been fixed. Hooray! Happy new year to everyone except the executives at Fox! And everyone else on my Nixon-esque list!

29-12-02: Spleesh, an actual honest-to-god update! I was sitting around in a post-Xmas fug, before thinking "Hey, I've got a few days to kill, why don't I update ANSTATMAW?" So I opened up the pages to see what the last episode review I'd done was, and... they were done! They'd been sitting on my hard drive for six months, but for some reason I'd never got around to uploading them. Guh! Also updated is Amy Says (which again, I'd done months ago and not uploaded) and a couple of missing graphics. Since I still have a few days to kill, I may even finally get round to getting Amy Wears up to date. No sign of the final season in the UK, though, so after that who knows how long it might be before the next one?

21-5-02: Another small update (new episodes and an extra wallpaper, this time a cute one from FSAC) to keep things ticking over. I will get round to drawing Amy's new outfits from the last couple of episodes, I promise!

4-5-02: A mini-update today, adding a couple of new wallpapers (and reinstating some old ones that I took off for reasons I now can't remember), including my take on Attack Of The Clones. Check them out here.
And while I'm here, maximum kudos and thanks to Matt Mikell, aka 'BrainSluggo' from PEEL, who in an act of pure unbridled generosity sent me a gift of the second set of Futurama minifigs (from the States, at that!). Now I have an Amy all of my very own! Thanks, Matt -- you da man!

29-04-02: Another update, huzzah! Yes, I know it's been a while, but I've been a tad busy what with work, car insurance claims and other tedious stuff. Plus I can't do things straight away on Sunday nights any more because that's when 24 is on! Anyway, three more episode reviews are up (god, the season's half-over already!) as well as a new, Star Trek-themed, wallpaper. Since I'm informed that Amy doesn't get to appear in 'Where No Fan Has Gone Before', I thought it only fair that she get Trekked up. Plus, hey, what can I say -- women in miniskirts and boots are hot!
And don't forget -- since I forgot to note it as an update! -- that there's my own 'Save Futurama' wallpaper to be found on the Stuff page as well! (Amy Wears will be updated soon to include Amy's funeral outfit as soon as I get the chance.)

13-4-02: Three whole months since the last update! I would have done so sooner, since season four started nearly four weeks ago, but my new job (as editor of the award-winning film magazine Hotdog, no less) has been *really* draining my time and my energy! But now, worry no more: reviews for 3ACVs 18 and 19, and 4ACV03, are up, as well as updates to Amy Says, Amy Wears (with the text back by popular demand!), PESS Blueprints and Goofs, and even a slightly updated Drinking Game! It's an Amy April!
Total downer about the show's cancellation and truncated season four, though. Fox sucks.

13-1-02: Wow, the first year that has no science-fictional significance since 1998! Anyway, to clear some space I've transferred the MP3s from the Amy Says page to a site run by my identical twin brother Andrew, which obviously has nothing to do with me should any busybodying jerk from GeoCities look in. (Threatening to delete my site? For something I didn't even do? Assholes!) But whatever, you'll now find the MP3s here. Also added the 4ACV episode titles to the Stuff page (not that I'll get to see any of them for a couple of months, grrr).

18-12-01: Added the update for DVDs 2 and 3!

16-12-01: A quick emergence from cryo-sleep to add the world exclusive (I'm not kidding!) first look at the Futurama DVDs! Check it out here if you haven't seen it already.

BTW, I just realised looking at the Amy Wears page how much the pictures have changed from 'Groening proportions' to 'Andy proportions' over time -- compare the relative size of Amy's head and body from the first picture to the last. What can I say -- that's how I draw people! Should I stick religiously to what Matt had in mind, or should I go my own way? Answers on a postcard...

21-9-01: A new addition to the site -- sounds! The Amy Says page now features MP3s of Amy's lines. I would have put more on, but GeoCities *does* have a size limit... Not to worry, I've got plenty more sound samples, and may rotate them from time to time. Also fixed a few bugs and updated the Links page to remove the dead sites. Next update, I'll be returning the Amy-isms to the Amy Wears page, for those people who demanded them back (yes, that includes *you*, Leandro...)

30-8-01: Wow, no hanging around! (Let's see how long this unexpected burst of enthusiasm lasts...) A brand-new wallpaper is up, literally hours after the first cast pictures of Enterprise went online. Hey, I said I'd do it! Check out 'Futureprise' in the wallpaper section of Stuff.

29-8-01: Big news, everyone! Thanks to the good mood induced by the combination of the unexpected return of the sun to the British Isles, a day off work and the release of the new New Order album (bestbandintheworldever), I've been inspired to update the site! But this is no mere addition of the odd piece of wallpaper -- oh no, this is a top-down restructuring of the entire place!

The first thing you'll notice is that I've merged my two sites together. Yes, that's right -- PESS is now effectively a sub-site of ANSTATMAW. Don't like that? What-everrr. It didn't make a lot of sense to me to have two sets of pages (like Links and Stuff) that had basically the same content, plus many of the pages on PESS were kind of pointless and never got updated. So I've stripped PESS down to the interesting bits -- the deck plans and the goofs. Episode reviews are now part of ANSTATMAW, ending the odd situation where a link within one site took you to the other. I also finally got around to drawing the last of Amy's new outfits for season three!

Anything much happened to me since my last update, a looooong time ago? Let's see now... got a new freezer, attended a friend's wedding, went to Skywalker Ranch to interview George Lucas... the usual. (Heh heh.)

Anyway, hopefully the rejigged site will meet with your approval, and if it doesn't, there's a Bender quote involving the clampage of teeth on a well-polished alloy posterior. With a bit of luck, the next update won't take so long (god knows when the show will return to the UK, though!) -- and the DVDs are on the way for next January! In the UK, at least... Gloatatronic!

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Old Updates (ANSTATMAW)

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