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Old Updates (PESS)
Wow! An actual update! Well, a partial one, at least -- I've been rather occupied with other stuff lately, but at least I can bring you the reviews of the 'final four' on the Stuff page. So, no more Futurama for a while (probably not until next year in the UK), and with Fox keeping the show in same awful, pre-emption-prone timeslot as before, we can expect another season of shakily-scheduled episodes appearing in random order. However, there will be another update here soon, as I round off all the bits I haven't had the chance to do yet. Plus, there may even -- gasp! -- be a redesign of the site!
On a sidenote: I got all the Futurama action figures (pic here) on a recent visit to London, including the last Bender in the shop (I even had to get an assistant to climb a ladder to pluck it from the highest shelf in the place). The Planet Express ship, of course, has pride of place atop my iMac...
A combination of no new shows being aired on Sky, other commitments and sheer laziness meant a long gap with no updates. But now, 3ACV04, 05 and 09 dance and spin onto these pages. Huzzah! And if you boogie on over to ANSTATMAW, you'll find my other Futurama site celebrating its first birthday! Cakes and ale all round!
They live! 3ACV06, 3ACV08 and 3ACV07 (nothing like showing episodes out of order, eh?) live! Plus, I got my hands on the Futurama toys (click here and here), and even got a pic of myself on the set of Friends! Yes, I know it's not Futurama, but sometimes you just have to show off!
And holy crap, the site's over a year old -- and I forgot its birthday. Sniff.
Not much new stuff from the airing of 3ACV01, but what there is, there is.
Yay! 3ACV02 is up, and while there wasn't too much to report about the ship, what a great episode!
Added all the info for 2ACV19, an episode I really didn't like at all. But you can see for yourself with my review on the Stuff page.
Added all relevant info, not that there was a lot of it, for 2ACV17. BTW, *finally* got hold of issue #1 of the Futurama comic! Cool to see both my sites in there (even if the URLs are now totally out of date).
Aaaand we're back! Futurama returned to UK screens on Sunday, and after a short delay (I couldn't remember the style of my sites!) both PESS and ANSTATMAW have been updated after the long, cold winter break. Hoo, and indeed, ray!
12-10-00: Chah! CGEF has been forced to move for reasons I'm not quite clear on, but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with those stupid banner ads. Anyway, it's relocating, and can only host two other sites -- and this ain't one of them. So, sorry to say, it's back to GeoCities and those thrice-cursed pop-up ads, unless some other Futurama site wants to host PESS and ANSTATMAW. Haven't had a chance to do any real updates to either site, because I've been working on a personal project for the past month, which I'm now about a third of the way and 50,000 words through!
It's been a while, but I've been busy and Futurama's off the air... at least until Saturday the 23rd, when it starts on Channel 4 here in the UK! Woohoo! But the main reason for this update is to re-upload all the pages because of a server glitch that sent it back in time by a few months, to the days when the weather was sunny and you were able to buy petrol, and also to report that my counter now appears permanently knackered thanks to those stupid banner ads. Neoplanet? Arseplanet, more like!
A spot of bug-fixing to get my site counter working again -- it's the fault of those damn banner ads! And since I have a Mac, that whole Neoplanet thang is a bunch o' irrelevant crapola... BTW, I'm planning a redesign for ANSTATMAW, and if it looks good I might apply a similar look to PESS. I mean, this site's been up for six months -- I think The Leela Zone's redesigned about 3000 times since then!
Sad, sad, terrible gruesome news about my website -- it's been forced to take banner ads (I hasten to add it's not the fault of my hosts at CGEF -- it's their hosts insisting on it). Do you ever click on banner ads? I know I don't. But somebody must -- surely the entire dotcom boom and modern economy can't be built upon a faulty precept! (Hint: invest in land, precious metals, canned goods and guns...)
Two things -- my Mac game I mentioned a few lines below should now be downloadable from here. Secondly, and more importantly, PESS (and ANSTATMAW) both got mentioned in the first edition of Bongo's official Futurama comic! Admittedly, so did pretty much every other Futurama site as well, but it's still cool! All I have to do now is get hold of a copy -- which could be harder than it seems, since my local comic shop just closed down...
The final update of season two! 2ACV16 sees out the year in fine style. Hopefully the FTP problems I've been having will have been fixed so I can upload everything by now...
What now for PESS, since there won't be opportunities for episode updates for seven months or so? Well, I'll try to keep things going with wallpapers and the like until season three starts, and who know? Maybe I'll even get a game up (Mac people only, sorry). BTW, the game I was talking about below should (hopefully) be available here. Text only, but c'mon, it's my first attempt!
Told you I'd update later in the week, and update I have!
Wow, C's a bastard of a language to work in -- but that hasn't stopped me from writing my first Mac game! Well, it's 99% finished, anyway -- I just have to figure out how to create save game files. (It's not the Futurama game I mentioned a few lines below -- come on, I've been writing in C for exactly three days. I think putting together an arcade-style game with sprites and sound and stuff might take me a little longer...) This has occupied all of my spare time for the last few days, so I haven't had a chance to update the site. I'll do it later this week. BTW, any C programmers out there who could help me understand the concept of pointers? I've been through that chapter of 'Learn C On The Macintosh' about 20 times, and I still don't get it!
Popped up the stuff for 2ACV15. Only two episodes left in this season -- nooooooo! Still, at least PESS has had a sudden increase in traffic -- nearly half of ANSTATMAW's total, which has gone up itself over the last couple of weeks. I suppose that with no new episodes of Futurama airing in the States and elsewhere, people need their regular hit in other forms. Well, maybe I'll be able to help -- I've started to learn C, and once I get to a reasonable level, one of my first plans is to write a Futurama game! Stay tuned...
No update this week, because there's been no show! Yes, Sky strikes again. What's really annoying is that they shuffled the Sunday programmes around to make room for a concert by a crap boy band, but left Futurama's 7.00pm slot open -- then put a repeat of Friends in it! Why, God, why?
Another late update, since I got landed with a management training course that kept me away from my computer. But not even Dilbertesque hassles can keep me from my appointed task! 2ACV13 and all its worldly good are up.
Late update this week -- hey, I am on holiday, after all. 2ACV12 bursts from the briney depths and makes its way onto the site, along with yet more major reorganisations of the deck plans.
2ACV10 (and all its associated gubbins) heads on an upward trajectory to the site. BTW, has anyone else noticed the Professor's amazing coming-and-going liverspots lately?
2ACV11 is up (Sky's showing them out of order again). I also have visitor news -- Ain't No Such Thing As Amy Wong gets five times as many hits as its 'parent' site, PESS. Or, to put it another way, a site dedicated to a cartoon spaceship only gets a fifth of the traffic as one dedicated to a cartoon girl who likes to show herself off. As the lady herself might say, "G'uh!"
More new wallpapers! Finally managed to get 800 x 600 versions of Leandro's wallpapers up (some weird Mac/PC thing made them come out at an odd size) and added two of my own. Also added all the necessary for 2ACV09.
Added a new wallpaper to the Stuff page, which I think is fairly cool. What do you think?
Added the details for 2ACV08 (a bloody funny episode).
Redid the deck plans quite extensively to accomodate various new rooms, and added all the usual info for 2ACV06.
I've never been so glad of my dodgy maths skills -- Futurama is back! I over-estimated how long it would take Sky to run through The 10th Boredom. Even so, it's been almost four weeks since the last new episode aired -- how the hell am I going to manage once the season ends and I have to wait at least six months for new shows? Anyway, relevant info and the review for 2ACV07 are up.
Well, it's official -- Sky are a bunch of fuck-knuckles. First-run episodes of Futurama have been pre-empted for at least a month so they can run a miniseries instead, the "wow, this gets old real fast" The 10th Kingdom. What is this, America? And why pick on Futurama when there's three-viewer shows like Earth: Final Conflict they could have nailed instead? Chah! This makes it rather hard to run weekly updates. However, everything that can be updated (including the deck plans) has been.
On the plus side, the not-very-eagerly anticipated secret project ANSTATMAW can finally be revealed! It's PESS's sister site, Ain't No Such Thing As Too Much Amy Wong, which does for everyone's favourite 31st century intern what PESS did for the Planet Express ship -- prove that some people have far too much time on their hands. No, wait, that's not it. But check it out anyway.
Loooong break, and only a partial update, with a review of 2ACV05 and a couple of minor bits and pieces. But there's an extended weekend coming up, and I now have a working scanner, and secret project ANSTATMAW is under way... keep watching the skies! BTW, I hope everyone voted for the Planet Express ship in IGN Sci-Fi's daily poll as the ship they'd most want in their garage!
The wonders of technology, eh? I finally shelled out for a new USB scanner so that I could pack up my old 4400 and (huge) SCSI scanner to save some desk space, only to find -- after packing everything up -- that my new scanner was bust. So, no new artwork for a while yet... Anyway, this week's update sees appropriate info for 2ACV04, and since I'm still on deadline not a whole lot else. And I won't be able to update next week because I have (dramatic chord) family staying. But once I get time, there will be a big ol' update, and even a new comic strip. So stay tooned.
Added review and pertinent info for 2ACV03. Working late a lot at the moment, so I don't really have much time to do additional stuff. Not really a lot else to report, except to say thanks to everybody who told me how much they liked the comic strips!
They only do it to annoy, because they know it teases... If not for the fact that Futurama episodes are produced months in advance of being aired, I'd think the creators were taking the piss out of me personally, but you can find out all in the regular updates to the Goofs and reviews. Cargo bay directly aft of the bridge indeed!
Minor updates -- Links additions and a new wallpaper, which I think is kinda cool. Still, new episode tonight, huh?
Added a few more wallpapers to the Stuff page; fixed a couple of minor glitches. Thrilling stuff, eh?
If you're going to update, you might as well do it bigtime! Added review and relevant info for 2ACV01, and added Haikurama (check it out!) and my second Futurama comic strip, 'The Right Way And The Wong Way', to the Stuff page. If you liked my first attempt (and I know that quite a few people did), then you should like this even more. It's bigger! Better drawn! With the occasional background! And lots and lots of Amy! Lettering's just as lousy as ever, though. Also added/updated a couple more Links; added upcoming episode titles and some new wallpaper to the Stuff page; and fixed a couple of spelling mistakes on the Goofs page. Will that do you?
Also, PESS is now 'officially' at least the 11th-best Futurama site in the entire world! Woohoo! So say The Futurama Top 50 (#10) and Futurama Elite 33 (#11), anyway. In your face, Wernstrom!
Updated the deck plans (thanks/curses to Leandro Pardini for pointing out that I made a goof myself... though I blame the animators for not being consistent in the first place!); added a review of 1ACV13 and updated the Goofs page accordingly; updated some Links info and added The Futurama Dome; added Windoze versions of my Mac Futurama icons on the Stuff page (Leandro again). The CGEF site should now be working properly, so I guess that means I'll have to add banners on the Home page sometime soon! Also started writing a second Futurama comic strip ('The Right Way And The Wong Way') after the great response I got to the first -- expect it when you see it. It's deadline time at work, BTW, so the next update probably won't be until next week.
Fixed a problem (hopefully) on the CGEF site that wouldn't let me upload the review for 1ACV07 (hence the 404 errors for the literally ones of you trying to access it); added my first Futurama comic strip, 'Love Potion #00001001', to the Stuff page. Hey, when I decide to get going on something, I don't hang about! Check it out -- I think it's fairly good.
Bang, zoom, let's go! PESS has a brand-new home at Can't Get Enough Futurama -- the subdomain is The GeoCities site will still be around until everyone has updated their links, but from now on, if you want to see what's going on at the Planet Express Service Station, CGEF is the first place to look! Also added UK episode airdates to the reviews, and made a start on (dun-dun-durrr...) a Futurama comic strip! There are times when I kind of like the fact that I can draw -- as time permits, I'll keep hacking it out.
Updateapalooza! First off, I'm in the process of setting up the CGEF site (URLs and so on to follow once the new subdomain is activated), so PESS is now right at the heart of the Futurama action. A couple of months behind all the fancy-pants Yanks and their hot-from-Fox first-run episodes, admittedly, but there nevertheless ;). Also added all the updates and a review for 1ACV11, dropped in a screen grab of some actual ship plans from 2ACV06 at the foot of the Plans page, and plonked some Mac desktop icons on the Stuff page.
27-2-00: Another spurt of updating -- added 'Pandora's Remote - When DVDs Hit The Fans' to the Stuff page, and re-uploaded the previously amended pages from a different computer in the hopes of avoiding the stupid GeoCities-caused rash of garbage characters at the top and bottom of each page.
Added The Futurama Point and Daily Dose Of Futurama to the Links page; amended the review of 1ACV07 to remove excessive use of the word 'probably'. PESS also received a 'Good' rating from Planet Roadmap and was made PR's 'Spotlight' site of the week. Not bad for a newcomer!
25-2-00: Barely a day after PESS went online, Jason at Can't Get Enough Futurama congratulated me and offered to host the site at CGEF -- an offer I'm going to accept! (For a start, it'll mean no more of
those damn pop-up ads...) I'll still keep the GeoCities site running as a mirror for a while, until all the links are updated.

Have you actually read down this far? Don't you have anything better to do? You could be watching your tapes of Futurama, for a start! -- Andy

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