Pamela N. Brown’s Literature

Bus Station

    Adult Stories
    Kids Stories
    Short Stories

Bus Stop
Reality Based TV Solitary Confinement
A Special Bond
The Last Sunrise
    My Quotes
    My Ramblings

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Who am I?

Name: Pamela
[email protected]

Other Places You Can Find Me:

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It was three a.m. at the Atlanta, GA Bus Station.  The attendant’s thick southern drawl filled the ears of all of the patrons.  Kara, a ninja was, laid over for the evening.  Her thick blonde hair streamed down the middle of her back.  “Oh, not again,” she muttered as she heard the news.  She plopped down on the hard plastic chair and slid a quarter into the TV slot.  The reception was horrible.  She could not see the show for all of the snow.  Just as she had decided to give up, she heard….
“Late….eakin….news….” between the sounds of white noise.  She sat back down and listened closely “….there……a string of….happening city wide…..people are… stay…..side….til the coast is….” 

“Oh, my God,” she thought.  “There is something horrible obviously going on around here.  I am prepared; I know I can take care of myself and the people here.

There was a call for a departing bus.  Several patrons boarded the bus, but Kara’s was still delayed.  All that remained in the station was Kara and a woman with fiery red hair.   “Have you heard about the panic in the city,” the woman asked. 

“Yes something briefly on the news, but the reception was real bad.  I didn’t catch all of it.” 

“Yeah, I don’t think that it is anything to worry about,” said the woman as she scuttled off towards the bathroom. 

Kara felt that the woman’s attitude was strange as she walked toward the soda machine.  She inserted her money and heard a scream from the bathroom.  She rushed in and was shocked by what stood before her. 

The red haired woman stood with her hair blowing behind her. Her hands outstretched before her and a glow surrounded her body as the lifeless body of another was levitated at least a foot off of the ground. 

“What is going on here!” Kara demanded, as she through a kick into the fiery haired woman’s back. 

The unconscious woman fell instantly to the floor.  The air filled with tension and fear as the two began to battle.  The sorceress threw balls of fire towards Kara as she dodged each and every one. 

“Ahh…” but Kara got an idea as she caught a glimpse of her reflection in the mirror.  Kara maneuvered her body in such a way that she back was toward the mirror.  The sorceress shot an energy ball toward Kara, as she dodged; the ball ricocheted back to the sorceress taking her life. 

Kara picked herself back up, went back to the soda machine grabbed her drink, and plopped down on the hard plastic chair and muttered, “oh, not again.”