Sister Sites

Sister Sites!!

*Natalie's Website*

*Marisol's Website*

Please e-mail me if you want to be one of my sister sites!!
[email protected]
Put a message in my guest book saying you want to be my sister site! But be sure to put the URL of your website, otherwise I want know where to find you!!

Link me!!! Here are a few links you can use to link me!!

<a href=""> <img src="orlipic.bmp"border=0>

<a href=""> <img src="charmingmrbloombanner.gif"border=0>

<a href=""> <img src="sistersites.jpg"border=0>

You don't need to upload the picture to your server!!! Just paste the code!!

It took me a long time to make the second picture. DO NOT STEAL IT!!!

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