Buffy the Vampire Slayer the Movie
                             Buffy Summers, a vacuous, cheerleading senior in an LA highschool finds out that she's the Chosen One, the one girl whose destiny is to slay vampires. Watcher Merrick, aka the creepy old dude, and boytoy Pike help her defeat the evil Undead, Master Vampire Lothos and his main minion Amilyn. Lothos is delighted by the concept of prom, because he wants to date Buffy and there just aren't any formal occasions anymore.
             Buffy the Vampire Slayer the Series
  Buffy Summers, now 16 and a sophomore, moves to Sunnydale with her mother. Sunnydale is known amongst the demon world as the Hellmouth. Watcher Rupert Giles just happens to be the librarian and all around "Research Guy." She's got friends helping her out this time, the Scoobies. Xander Harris, apparent demon magnet, and Willow Rosenberg, Wiccan witch, are with her from the beginning. She has love issues with Angel, souled version of demonic Angelus the vampire, Riley Finn, commando and college frat boy, Spike, punk rock Vampire, and so on and so forth. Oz the Werewolf, Faith the other Vampire Slayer, Tara the Wiccan witch, Cordelia Chase the Bitch Queen of High School, Dawn the little sister, Anya the ex-vengeance demon and Xander lovebunny are recurring characters.
             Angel the Series
  Angel leaves Sunnydale and Buffy for the mean streets of LA where he opens Angel Investigations "We help the hopeless!" or is it helpless? He's looking for redemption as a Champion of the Powers That Be. Doyle, Wesley the Watcher turned Demon Hunter, Charles Gunn, Cordelia Chase of all people, Lorne the metrosexual demon, Fred the girl help him out. Conner and Lindsey and Lilah the evil Lawyers show up in ficcage a lot.


     Hold Me. Thrill Me. Kiss Me. Kill Me.
  • Excellent
  • Adult
  • Drama
  • Novella
  •    One night, Xander stumbles across a drunken Spike mourning the loss of Drusilla and plotting to kill of the rest of Aurelius. Xander takes him in, even if he is a vampire that Xander doesn't know. Spike takes a shine to the boy and takes him in when his father beats him and kicks him out for being gay and the romance begins. After Angelus returns, Drusilla visits Xander in a dream and offers him her power to help find Spike. This is basically an excellent re-write of season 2 (from the Anointed One to Acathla) if homosexuality was as mainstream as heterosexuality and Xander had been the protagonist. Astonishingly, no Xander-Sue to be seen. Cordelia is bitchy as ever and Ethan Rayne is a perfect foil for Giles.
    Alexandria Brown
         Waiting Here
  • Good
  • Adult
  • Drama
  • Novella
  •    Xander, with years upon years of abuse from his father hidden in his past, has turned to cutting to deal with the pain. One night, he accidentally goes too far. Spike dropped by just before it was too late. Spike comes through for Xander, even to the point of testifying in court. I hate fics with cutting in them because they're usually the author's autobiography mixed in with the fandom, but this one was very different. The cutting was plot, not angst. Sexual abuse galore and some improbable characterizations and a suspicious coincidence here and there for convenience sake.
    Anna S.
         Your Horoscope for Today
  • Excellent
  • Teen
  • Romantic Comedy
  • Novella
  •    After finding Xander drowning his sorrows about Anya leaving him for a troll, Spike gets commiserates and tanked with him. There's a gambling debt, a pissed off wizard, and eventually an amnesiac vampire in a harem boy outfit that Xander gets stuck with. Normally, I hate the idea of a guy in a harem boy outfit. I think they're stupid. This, though, was so well done that I could see it.
         Chocolate Hurricane
  • Excellent
  • Adult
  • Romantic Comedy
  • Novella
  •    Very cute and very amusing. Xander gets mojoed and starts to notice Spike that way premise, but the angle is original. The formatting is a little annoying. The author took down her webpage where it was truly fucking annoying, but spanderfiles did a lovely job of bringing it down from 39 web pages to 8. Though, the very excellent tale really redeemed the annoyance factor. I have no qualms with the story telling itself, just the format. I like to read this one a lot.
         Sunday Morning Come Down
  • Excellent
  • Adult
  • Drama
  • Skinny Novel
  •    In the summer after Buffy's death during the Glorificus Apocolypse, Xander deals with his failing relationship with Anya in a not so good way. He's then forced to deal with his new feelings Spike as well as Spike himself in the wake of Anya. It's a nicely character driven story that takes its time to focus on how things develop.
    Echo's Revenge
         Forged in Hell
  • Great
  • Adult
  • Action/Drama
  • Skinny Novel
  •    Angel comes back from three months/three hundred years in hell after Buffy banished Angelus. Buffy is on her road trip and Xander let his hyena out to keep the Scoobies together and patrolling. Xander finds his equal in Angel. It's a little too fast in some places and little too slow in others. Other than some pacing problems, the story is nicely woven.
    Echo's Revenge & Creed Cascade
  • Great
  • Adult
  • Romance
  • Novella
  • MalePregnancy
  •    Spike leaves a little "present" behind in his fuck-buddy Xander the night before they face the First Evil. A few months later, Willow takes Xander to LA to see if Angel can figure out what the heck is wrong with him. Angel develops this thing for grumpy, pregnant Xanders. The pacing is more even than usually found with ER, but there's a lot of editorial expositing getting in the way.
         Lost Soul
  • GuiltyPleasure
  • Adult
  • Romance
  • Novella 
  •    After Angel gives Xander to Spike in the school, Spike decides to keep him. Unnappreciated by his friends and abused by his family, Xander finds love and acceptance with Spike. It's the usual poor Xander finds love from the only critter that understands him story. Nicely written, but too short for plot and character development to make this anything more than cliche.
         Time Well Spent
  • Good
  • Adult
  • Romance
  • Novella
  •    When Spike puts on the amulet to save the world from the first, he, Xander, and Angel are all sucked back into the vampires' past. To save Xander from Darla, the two turn Xander into their pet. This is more of a porn with a plot than much of anything else. The plot is actually interesting and the characters are developed to a degree.
         Stranger Things Series
  • Excellent
  • Adult
  • Action
  • Epic Doorstop
  •    After a chipped Spike saves Xander from horny demon who thought he'd make a fine mate, they go to LA for a little help from Angel in the claiming process. Angel and Doyle are involved in an Angel style courtship, full of guilt and brooding. It makes for an odd sort of foursome fighting evil in LA, the Initiative, and lawyers, all while trying to work through relationship issues. Aside from the convenient demon issues forcing Spike and Xander to have sex the first time so they can later angst about how wonderful it was and eventually get to making like bunnies, and the occasional bits of plot-gratuitous sex, this series is extremely well written. Characterization is wonderful. The entire series is not finished, but each part of the series is, so you're not left hanging.



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