Click on classmate for information.


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Patricia M. Adams
Steve Andelman
Dan Bailes
Roy Benner
Steve Biancaniello
John Bleiweis
Richard Bohrer
Ron Boroson
Norm Burns
Pauline Chumbris
Toni Clarke
Richard Claypoole
Diane Cowell
Dick Dameron
Susan Dodson
Bob Dunn
Carol Eckstine
Susan Erstein
Alberta Fasteau
David Fisher
Jim Flegal
Marc Goldstein
Pat Griffin
Rich Hargrove
David Heath
Marion Hibble
Nancy Hiltner
Charlotte Holmes
Bob Jensen
Charlene Koehler
Lisa Larson
Hank Leibowitz
Sally Leibowitz
Elaine Levin
Edd Lopez
Linda Lyon
Bill McLin
Howard Miller
Bob Nachman
Maureen Osheroff
Steve Parker
Beverly Pulliam
Tom Rabenhorst
Jinny Rebold
Robert Reck
Ralph Riggs
John Robbins
Donna Salata
John Samuels
Larry Slight
Sandy Timmins
Susan Toomey
Chuck Venable
Charlie Via
Sandy Weinel
Bruce Weiner
Joel Weinstein
Joan Weiss
Shirley Woolard
Jim Worsley
Sandy Zink

This new page contains information about each classmate. Please email me the information you want on your page. This page will always be a "work-in-progress" so be sure to send any updates. If you want a photo added to your page, please email one to me. If you have a photo but can't scan it, send me a copy, I'll scan it (send to: Donna Ellington, 6700 Fannon Drive, Bowie, MD 20720). I will also scan a photo from the yearbook for everyone who sends me an information sheet.


Send email to: Donna Salata Ellington, [email protected]

Visitors since November 6, 2000.

Updated November 25, 2003

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