We have a number of difference services we can provide to you.

Website Design
Some of the pages we have made.

Brochure/Advertisements: Click here for samples

Business Writing
We have developed a number of business plans and proposals. Starting with Thunder Bay Development and working with other companies to build their business strategies. Have worked with non-profit organizations, political campaigns and small businesses striving to have their message expressed.  We can develop a simple plan, strategy or campaign for you. Write up a formal promotional letter/email other promotional material. Recently we did some promotional material for the 2004 I.C.E. CSPG Convention in Calgary, AB.


Sometimes there other items that a small business just can't do, such as some data input, simple administrative items or even just take a short class on business. We can work with you to train you and your staff about best practices. If there is something you want done, contact us and we will do our best, and that's a promise you can take to the bank, literally. 

Also, through our sister company, For The Love of Music, help your children learn the joy of piano, cello, flute and other music. Contact Us for more information or look at our prices.

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