Prices depend on what is being done. We charge a flat rate of $25/hr and use that to quote you a price.

Website Design
Website start at a basic $250 for the first page plus time for additional pages. All quotes will include costs for posting website, server space, registration, etc. Upkeep and maintenance of the website is billed at $50 per month. This includes any minor changes and upgrades to the site that take no more than 5 hours to complete. Any additional time needed for updating sites will be rated at $25 per hour.

Other Services
Other prices for services will be quoted on a per hour basis. Most projects will take a minimum of 8 hours or one full business day from start to complete, not including revisions, this will be included in your original quote.

Prices do not include any necessary materials needed to complete project.

For more information or a detailed quote contact us with the job you needed done. We will contact you back within one business day. It will usually take one day to complete a quote.

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