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This is where I will keep you updated on every day happenings and my debt countdown. I may not get it done every day, but will do as much as I can.


August 8, 2003 August 7, 2003

I have a major complaint today. Amazon bites!!! The person that sent me the $50.00via their so-called "honor system", emailed me to see how much I actaully got. I told her the amount, which was $42.35, which was fine by me, that was better than nothing. Then she asked when I would actually get it, and I told her 14 days. She was upset and said she was going to refund herself and send it through Paypal where it was instant and much lower fees.

Well, she did that, but now, I owe the fees!!! $7.65 that I can't afford. Her $50 was to go to my electric bill. I checked all over their site, to find where it said this would happen and it does not say it. I sent them a nasty email, letting them know about it. Not that it will do any good at all, but I feel better.

Aug 6, 2003

Gone again for a couple of days, I've been compiling my debts and spent most of the day yesterday updating my debt page. Today I plan to work on this page and the rest of our story pages. I received an anonymous donation yesterday of $50 through the Amazon Honor System. Thank you, whoever you are!!! That's about all for now, gotta get to work on this site.

Aug 4, 2003

Sorry, I have been absent from class for a few days. Wow, have I been busy. Signing up the kids for school, mowing my yard and all kinds of good stuff. I made $10 yesterday that I didn't count on. My neighbors lawn mower broke a few days ago and I decided to help out and I mowed their 1 acre yard just to be nice. I know how awful it is not to have a mower for whatever reason and how much harder it is if you let the grass grow for a while, so I just decided to help out. After they came home from work and saw that it had been mowed, they called around trying to find out who did it, and then brought me $10 for doing it for them and of course lots of thank yous. It always feels good to make someone happy! I did it just for that reason, not to make any money, but that was definitely a bonus.

July 31, 2003

Thanks to Patricia L. for donating $75.00, I got my water back today. I also had two people sign up for ING, that is another $20.00 towards my cause. Since Patricia sent me some extra over what I needed for the water bill and Hilary sent me $10, I was able to send Lisa B. from the $7.00 needed for her to mail out my childrens school supplies and 4 books for us. You guys have all been so great.

July 29, 2003

Received a $10donation from Hilary E. today to help me with my water problem, thank you so much. And thanks to Karyns boards for making it all possible.

July 28, 2003

Our water got shut off today. The amount I had to pay to keep it on was one month of $22.00. I did not have it, so since he came to shut it off, I now have to pay for all three months that are past due, plus a $15.00 reconnect fee. TOTAL: $70.00

July 27, 2003

Thanks to two wonderful ladies today. Lisa B. from for donating school supplies for my children, now I just need the $7.00 for shipping for her to send them out. And to Taryn M. for the ING Referral, which so far has already made me $25.

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