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Donations of any kind are greatly appreciated.

Look below for items that are needed other than just money.

We are all in need of clothing, here are everyone sizes:

Girl, Age 4    Shirt/dress size 5, Pants/skirts size 5, Shoes size 12

Boy, Age 5    Shirt size 5 or 6, Pants size 4 or 5, Shoes size 13 to 1

Girl, Age 10    Shirt/Dress size 10/12, Pants/skirts size 10 or 12(reg), Shoes size 4 girls or 5 womens

Boy, Age 10    Shirt size 8 to 10, Pants size 8, Shoes size 2

My Husband, Age 31    Shirt size M, Pants/Shorts Size 33/30 (he desperately needs these, JEANS ONLY PLEASE), Shoes size 10 1/2

Myself, Age 33    Shirts/Dresses Size M (adult), Pants/Skirts Size 10/12 (adult), Shoes size 9 (adult)

We need both queen and full-size sheets. We have 2 of each in our home and only 1 set of sheets each

The next 2, I know, are next to impossible, but here they are anyway

We need a dependable, running vehicle that can handle a family of 6. I don't know how anyone would donate this, but maybe if you have one, we can find out together, just E-mail me if you would like to donate one and we will work something out.

We also are in dire need of Air conditioning. Our home has been upwards of 93 degrees most of the summer. We have fans everywhere and must leave the doors open. Since we live in the country next to our neighbors cow pasture, we have a horrid amount of flies. With AC, we could shut the doors and live comfortably without the pests. We do have one, but it is only big enough for one room, so it is our escape room. Obviously, if you do not live close, this one is impossible. But please, if you have one that you do not need, donate it to a charity that will give it to someone in need.

We were in need of school supplies, but thanks to Lisa at Smarrtkids.com we have that covered. She is also accepting donations of books, money and school supplies for her site. Please help her also if you can.

And of course, we need money.

If you don't want to send me a dollar or whatever, could you at least send me any pennies you have or find? They add up too and 20 cents is always better than no cents.

Unless you would just like to send it directly to the people I owe it to, you will have to send it to me. You can do this through paypal (PREFERRED) or via the mail system. Here are my addresses for both:

Save my Family
C/O C. White

I accept donations through PayPal!, the #1 online payment service!

Please know, that you cannot deduct the money that you send my family on your tax return! Any money sent to my family is a gift to help us out. Like when you take your best friend out to lunch and you treat.

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