My husband works 40 hours per week at a local steel mill for $8.33 an hour. He would like for me to work also, so that we can make ends meet, but he realizes now that all of our money would go to daycare for the children.
We live in a run down trailer (that we paid $1700 for 4 years ago) out in the country on his mothers land and have no vehicle to drive. We have to rely on friends and neighbors to get us anywhere we need to go. The money he brings home every week affords us about $40 in groceries a week and the rest goes to lights, phone and water. On good weeks, when he works the most we can buy a few more groceries, but that is about it.
My husband and I are both on our second marriages and have a pretty good debt left over from the first ones. See the links for the whole stories at the left. You can review all of our debt and who it is owed to on our debt page.
We would love to be able to pay off this prior debt and perhaps someday be able to buy a vehicle that is reliable for my family to be in. We don't want to BUY A NEW VEHICLE, just one that we can depend on and one that will accomodate our family. Obviously, due to our credit history, we cannot get a loan for this.
We would also love to be able to buy some land to build a bigger house on for us and the children. For this also, we need to clear our credit reports and start anew. As I said we live in a trailer, (which is a 14 x 70, 1972 model) with 3 kids full-time and 4 on school vacations. Imagine the space problems there.
I have tried this "cyber-begging" thing before, but only got a bunch of nasty emails from people who had no idea about real life situations, so I gave up. But now, I am at the end of my rope, I have no idea what to do. We need more than just money, see donations page for what we need.
We need help and have went through all the avenues of borrowing from friends and family, and applying for all the community services (i.e. food banks, clothing banks, energy assistance, etc.) and basically have out worn our welcome with all of them. They have all been a great help to my family, but we still need help and don't know where to turn.
If anyone out there has clothing that will fit anyone in my family, I would gladly accept them. Everyone's sizes are located on the donate page, with contact information for me, as well.
If this works, I plan to help out as many needy families and people as I can in whatever way I can. I already donate all of the clothes that my children grow out of to the local Salvation Army, as I feel they need it more than the people who come to my yard sales in a Lexus looking for bargains. I also have included a help you page with all the information that I have used to help me get started.
Thank you for reading this, and I hope you can find it in your heart to help us.