***This character is no longer being played. It is not up for adoption, and this profile is only up so as to keep things clear as possible for the other players and their profiles***

Domina Troisi Di Nerezza


The youngest surviving childe of the great Aurelia Di Nerezza, Domina is also the mother of the Troisi Watcher Dynasty.

Over two hundred years ago Domina was left widowed with five young sons when her husband was killed by a vampire. She swore to avenge her husband's death and became a self-taught slayer while still raising her childrem (who later became the heads of the five lines of Troisi). She disappeared one night while out on the hunt, and when nothing was found of her but her sword and a bloody frock, she was presumed dead. Dead she was, but not the way her family thought. Domina was sired by Aurelia that night - the farmer's daughter stripped of her former life and class where she died before being carried to the nearest family holding where she awoke as royalty. The sister of the King.

Her mother and siblings could see right away that something was not right with Domina. Besides the bloodlust she quickly became irrational and unpredictable. She began to dabble in the Black Arts and Roman Paganism. By the time the vampiress was only fifty years old she was starting to scare even the unphasable Canio.

Satanic ecstasies, and prophetic visions wracked her already fragile sanity and drove her quickly over the edge. She would go into maniacal rages when she would thrash about, cut crosses into her skin (just to feel herself singe) and break everything she could get a hold of. She was delusionally paranoid and constantly having hallucinations. She would try to see how long she could stand - naked - in the rise of the hot summer Italian sun.

After seventy years of this - his sire having left him again, only now with an insane sister to care for - Canio was starting to lose his patience. When she set fire to the house one night, burning down an entire wing of the Villa (and half the servants with it) when the blaze grew out of control, Canio could take no more. He knocked his sister unconscious and when she awoke she was shackled to a wall deep in the family crypts where she stayed for the next 127 years.

No light. No rest. No blood. She was cut off from her family, the only voices she was left with being the other 'Screamers' locked up in the tombs and the ones in her head. Domina's life was sheer, unending hell. If she wanted to eat, if she wanted a kind touch, a kind word, she would have to play nice with Canio. His whims dictated how badly she suffered and Domina learned to try to appease him as best she could. Canio was her savior, her captor, her keeper and she learned to love him as such. He was her world ... her lifeline. If Canio died, she died - and her love for him grew into a disturbingly intense obsession that has lasted to this day.

When Canio left Italy to go to America he left his sister's care in the hands of his wife - Elena. Within days of Elena getting the job, Domina escaped and made her way to Los Angeles to face her brother. Still lost in the fog she had grown around her mind to protect herself from the horrors of captivity, Domina had a hard time controlling her rages - her own mother threatening to kill heer if her unpredictable fits did not stop. But she also helped her clan during the war ... saving her sister Pandora, creating a refuge for them with her majik and buying them time against the Andrasta. For her bravery and valor, the Diablo Goddess Athena gave Domina a third of the traitor Macha's powers, making Domina part goddess and a daywalker.

Soon after, Domina and her Troisi desendant Aria - sick of the war and death and bloodshed being inflicted on their families - left LA in secret, returning to Italy. Aria returned to the Monastary where she had been raised, only after leaving Domina in her Villa in Rome with her friend Alexei to watch over the Mother Troisi.

Domina has healed quite well from her ordeal in the crypts over the year since her escape, though she is by no means fully restored yet. Thanks to Aria's friend Alexei, she has grown healthy and strong again and her periods of lucidity last much longer than they used to. During these times he taught her all the modern battle moves in his repetoire (how to use a gun being the most important), and helped her read through the Troisi family histories. Reading and understanding the histories was very hard for Domina in the beginning - she first having to understand how long she had been held captive, and then to accept everything that came with that knowledge. Now knowing that Canio had her locked up for over a century and a quarter, knowing that her sons and husband are long dead, knowing that Aria is not her daughter Arabella, she comes to find her brother with a new grudge against him, and some very hard questions.

She has also continued to study her witchcraft. While in Italy she made a visit to all of the Ancestral Di Nerezza homes, and managed to find her mother's most secret and powerful spell books in the catacombs under the ancestral castle. With these books and her new powers she has grown stronger that she expects her mother and brother would ever want her to become, and she continues to teach herself new spells every day.

Domina still does experience rages and fits, but she has learned to recognise when one is coming on and to some extent control and channel them (which can be an even more dangerous prospect than the fits themselves). Her nightmares and demonaic ecstasies still continue to ravage her body and mind from time to time as well. While they grow less frequeny, they have also grown more intense and her violence is much more far reaching that it used to be when she is in the throws.

Domina looks to be only 26 or 27 even though she died well into her thirties, and her face has an ageless quality to it. She has long black hair, soft blue eyes and beautifully soft features cast in flawless, white, glowing skin. She in not very tall, 5'2" at most, but carrys herself with a lethal, regal grace. She is still not accustom to women in trousers, and so wears only dresses - black, red and blue being her favouite colours. After two centuries of mourning her husband Armundo, Domina has come to grips with the fact that he's been gone a long time and the wedding band that once never left her finger has been buried in the Troisi vauits with his body. She wears a locket with Aria's picture in it around her neck, as she is still very dear to the vampiress' heart.


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