Antonia de Lancret


Married at the tender age of fifteen to a rather foppish noble by the name Renaud De Lancret, Antonia found herself in a position of absolute control.  At the age of fifteen, she was learning to manipulate her weak-willed husband, and by the time she was twenty, he was no longer significant in his own household. Antonia oversaw the lands around their beautiful castle-fortress in France, and handled the political affairs through Renaud, using him as a puppet to achieve her goals for her beloved France.  Her life was unlike any other noblewoman’s at the time, for she was the authority.

The Crusades were starting to take hold when Antonia De Lancret met a young noble; one Valois Raguenot.  And they began a game of wits coupled with a burgeoning lust for each other that lasted well into the year, before Valois tired.  Tired of their game, of Antonia rebuffing his advances at every turn, of their brief, passionate kisses in the darkness of some hall in his great manor.  And she began to detest him, for his feeble words of love, of desperation.  She had thought him a worthy opponent. Antonia has never been meek or quiet, nor will she ever be.  And at the time, she was inclined to tell him just what she thought of his declarations of love.  To her, married to Renaud, love was a burden, and was certainly not needed in the life that she lived.  It was a nuisance, and so Valois was becoming the same. And to Antonia's horror, he went into a rage, and Embraced her amidst the screams of his serving men and her own cries of terror.

It was a learning experience, that night, one that would be burned into her memory for Eternity.  That very same night she awoke in chains, in a bed of the purest satin and softest feathers, with Valois’ handsome countenance looming above her.  She felt overwhelming fear, and would have dropped into madness had she not been so curious.  Antonia loved Valois even then.  Or perhaps it was his limitless power that drew her.  How could a creature such as he exist, she wondered.  And was she now this way, unable to be harmed by sickness or natural death?  Was this her fate?  Did she possess this power?  She did.

Antonia has been in chains only once in her entire eternity, and that was the night of her embrace, when everything was fresh and new and the dim light of candles burned her eyes.  Though it was only one night, in truth, a mere six hours, it was enough to imprint in her a never-ending dread of him, and a powerful desire to never again be at any man’s mercy.

To Valois Antonia was a trophy, a showpiece.  Her happiness was made up in material possessions.  Until Lestat arrived, in a flurry of gold and black, all fangs and laughing eyes.  Oh, he promised glorious diversion.  And he did deliver. Lestat was the first childe of Valois, the successor, or so it was rumored. But Lestat had other ideas on how his un-life would be lead, and it certainly wouldn’t be watching after the passel of sniveling fledglings that Valois had created. It was then that he and Antonia became companions. They wanted the same things: to be free of Valois, to have power.  Lestat could not do it alone, but Antonia, he was convinced, could.  And so they roamed the courts together, and he taught her the intricacies of cruelty, the delicacies of manipulation, the allure of the darkness, and the power of her form. He groomed her, a fledgling of two years, to be Valois’ successor, to be his murderer.

The time finally came in 1350, during the height of the Hundred Years War, that Antonia killed her sire, and felt his presence leave her forever.  And she came into power once again, with Lestat at her side, and styled herself Antonia Raguenot.  Valois’ children were left to the mob of watcher’s in France and they went their own way, two deadly companions, lovers, soul-mates.  There would never be another like Antonia's Lestat.

Antonia could not bear to leave her beloved France, though Lestat constantly pressured her to see the world.  There was nothing beyond France that she wanted.  And so Lestat went alone, leaving promises to her that he would return.  In his absence she married a young noble, who was remarkably similar to Renaud in a fashion, and ruled through him in politics.  At this time, France was warring uselessly for Italian territory.  Lestat returned just as the Di Nerezza dynasty entered the scene.

They intrigued her, this family of Italians, and she wanted very much to know about them.  And so she urged Lestat to open France to them and they brought in their business discreetly.  Lestat handled these Italians while Antonia took his advice and traveled.  Her attention shifted by the hour during that period of her life.While she was away, Lestat had insinuated himself into the Di Nerezza clan, bringing her along for the ride.When Antonia returned to France, Louis XIV, the “sun king” was bringing riches to her beloved country.  And Lestat and Antonia, never able to stay away from entertainment, married and entered the court of the “sun king”.  Those were golden ages between Lestat and Antonia, and though there were 
thousands of lovers between them, they never failed to return to each other. 

Perhaps it was their bloodline, or their love, or that they were the last of Valois Raguenot’s line.  It did not matter.  They were for each other, or so they believed.

The French Revolution was upon them at the same time as the House of the Di Nerezza began to crumble internally.  Antonia and Lestat were ripped from power in kine society, meanwhile Lestat’s children warred for power from the Italian line, and soon, the French line of Di Nerezza were marked for Final Death. Lestat and Antonia were able to escape the Di Nerezza enforcers, but Lestat was not so lucky with the kine’s revolution.  He was dragged from their home by humans intent on killing him and instead, he burned to death in the morning sun before Antonia's very eyes.  Cries of demons rent the air that morning, and that night she barely escaped with her life to the Spain and reinvented herself as Antonia De Lancret, taking the last name of her first husband hundreds of years ago.

The Andrasta got to her first.  Captured as a Caitiff in a land where the Andrasta reigned supreme, Antonia was to be killed immediately.  The Andrasta did not tread lightly on trespassers.  But as she was ever the charmer, Antonia was able to worm her way into Dimitri Andrasta's son's, Bennetto's heart.Antonia, seeking protection, and perhaps a family of her own, painfully proved herself to the Andrasta clan.  They became her Family, they shared her then burning hatred of Canio Di Nerezza, and Bennetto became her husband.

Together, they Embraced a child who harbored the same loathing for Canio Di Nerezza, and her name was Lisette de Lancret.  Together, the three of them devised a plan to rid themselves of the Di Nerezza Clan. When the time came, Antonia went to L.A., daughters at her side, to seduce and eventually kill the King Di Nerezza.Her arrival brought her directly into the arms of her once enemy, Canio Di Nerezza.  But all her and Bennetto's carefully laid plans backfired when she found herself falling in love with Canio.

She never dreamed she would find love again.  And it was unlike anything in her realm of experience.  This was not the playful, needy love that Lestat and she shared.  Nor was it the fearful love that Antonia had for Valois.  This love, the love she felt for Canio Di Nerezza, threatened to drown her, to consume her.  Antonia felt she was walking in flames, and it terrified her when she realized that she did not want to step from the fire.  Canio overwhelmed her, and before she knew it, she was falling into him.  Fearing that she would lose herself, Antonia pulled back, only to realize that being without him was like loosing herself.  Her demon raged at her and yearned for him as she did, and she could not deny either of them.  And so Antonia De Lancret, a woman who swore never to act on emotions she deemed foolish, fell in love with Canio Di Nerezza.  And she regrets not one moment of it, because she now knows pure happiness.

The Dark Goddess again blessed Antonia with twin boys, purebloods, to add to her beloved brood of children.

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