Savio Di Nerezza

Savio is the eldest son of Canio Di Nerezza, and the first of his four children with Elena Di Nerezza. Born nearly 800 years ago, he is unwavering in his loyalty to his father and the Clan. He is as strong - willed and cruel as his father, preferring action over words and with no qualms over resorting to violence. Exceptionally intelligent and ruthlessly cunning, Savio has little respect for the other clans, with the exception of the Priscus and Therion. He has always been exceptionally protective of his sisters, and though his badass exterior has never once cracked, he silently mourns for his two younger sisters - Daya and Thera - lost to the plague.

He is far from blind to his new brother Marcus' eye on their father's title, but keeps his suspicions, thoughts and feelings to himself on the council of his Aunt Domina. Savio has been the only heir to Canio's kingship for almost eight centuries and - while he would rather not think of a situation in which he and Marcus would have reason to fight over the right to succession - Savio is not the type of man to just give up something that is his. The first prince of the Di Nerezza will fight his young brother for his birthright if he has to, that is assured.

Savio is handsome in a cold, aristocratic way. He is tall, and dark, his body lean and well-muscled and he carries himself with a regal, lethal confidence. He is royalty, of that there is no doubt. Savio holds a strong, self-assured air about his imposing frame like a forcefield that can make even the most reckless vampire think twice before starting something. He is a ruthless killer, and there are few things Savio loves more than the kill. He is a man of exceptional taste in all things - from women, to clothes and any other luxuries of life. His style is simple, but polished  - in all things - and it shows in both his appearance and manner. However, his bite is much worse than his bark ... as many hapless victims have discovered over the centuries.

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