Canio Di Nerezza


Canio Di Nerezza was born Canio Nicephorois, a bastard son to a servant girl living in Rome in the year of our Lord 980 AD.  He grew up in an atmosphere as rank and corrupt as the papacy itself, lurching from ignorance to debauchery, to downright violence - stemming from such acts as the lecherous boy Pope John XII to the papal assasinations of the 980's. 

In such squalor, one might have forseen an early death for the man who sought to gain his fortunes peddling flesh to the visiting noble families, and his fame as one of Italy's best assasins.  Fate had another plan in mind.

The night he met Aurelia Di Nerezza, he was instantly attracted to both her beauty and her spirit.  In him, she saw potential for evil unbounded.  That night he became, and was Canio Di Nerezza - cherished childe of Aurelia, future King of Clan Di Nerezza, and a demon of evil.

Shortly afterwards, Aurelia disappeared, and Canio - along with his fellow Di Nerezza - sought to establish their mark in the bloody landscape of Kindred history. For their amusements, they set such actions into place as placing Hugh Capet on the throne of France, the poisoning of Gregory V - vile actions that ensured them a place in the grander scheme of Kindred society.

In 1200, Canio met his first great love, Elena Capute.

He claimed her as his bride in blood, and spent the next 400 years creating a family befitting the Di Nerezza name. The Capute estate became the Di Nerezza homeground. But trouble was stirring among Aurelia's sons.  Once a band of brothers, the Di Nerezza began fighting for control - of themselves.  Canio was plunged into a ruthless inter-Clan war that while it ensured his eventual sole claim to the throne, left a deep division between the Italian and French branches of the Di Nerezza - the French branch siring such notables as Antonia De Lancret.

His throne secured, Canio found himself torn between family loyalties - his own sister Domina's madness left him deeply shaken - and the call of fresh blood and new lands.  In the the 18th century, Canio made difficult choice - his family's future over his sister's torment. Caging Domina within the family crypts, he left - returning as often as necessary to keep her alive.  During his long absences from home, Canio began his first of many affairs - a silent weapon in a deadly war against his wife.

Through the centuries, the Di Nerezza made their mark in history - never far from the current powers. From the courtly halls of the Sun Kings, to the propagandist evils of Nuremburg, Canio and his children left their bloody mark on the march of time. Upon reaching the Americas, the Di Nerezza quickly found a new home - Los Angeles - and set up a new home in the city of Angels.

It was in LA that Canio faced down his most notorious lover - Dorrain Deveraux.  She was the beautiful daughter of the Deveraux - the enemy of the Di Nerezza for centuries.  He fell in love, and the two waged an unfortunate affair - that ended when Dorrain's husband returned from war, and he slay her family in a jealous rage.  Two survived - her eldest son, Creed among them.  His children grew to become to prophesized Triumvirate - daughters Jordanna, Francesca, and Ashleigh - unknown sisters in a war they could not win without cost.  To ensure his Clan's survival, Canio took Francesca as his own - the first child of his new union with Antonia De Lancret.

For in the new millenium, Canio found love in a once forbidden enemy.  Antonia De Lancret - child of the French house of Di Nerezza, joy of his heart.  In their union his soul found peace - and love, in the form of their children.  It was for the sake of his new family Canio broke with the safety net that was Los Angeles.  In the face of the plague that could mean the end of Kindred life in LA, Canio moved his family to New York.   To begin again, to protect his sons from the danger that is ever present in their world,to watch the Di Nerezza name flourish in the city that never sleeps.  For one thousand years he has stressed family above all, Clan before self - and Di Nerezza for eternity.

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