Catherine Di Nerezza

Catherine was born into a wealthy American family and all of her young life she enjoyed the lavishness of a woman coming from a family as commanding as her own. Born in what was known as the Age of Innocence Catherine was an impressionable seventeen year old with an interest in archery and anthropology, professions not widely accepted during that time.

After turning nineteen, an acceptable marriageable age, Catherine agreed to marry the wealthy and well-off Jeffery Archer, honoring her family and raising her own status in society.Her interests in sporting events and anthropology were thwarted by her new husband, and she was confined to such tedious acts as stitching and reading.

She soon took up playing instruments, such as the violin and piano, as well as singing. In music, she excelled beyond her wildest dreams. Her husband, wishing to show off his beautiful, young wife, held nightly gatherings and parties. They soon became the talk of New York, and they became the most popular and respected family in the city. No one refused an invitation to their lavish balls. They set the social standards for that time. Yet, Catherine was far from happy with the forced conversations and respect of her peers. Her life was a constant spiral of unhappiness, hidden behind a perfect smile.

When she was twenty-one, having moved at the behest of her husband, to Europe, Catherine met with the Di Nerezza family. And with Canio Di Nerezza. Thrilled and intrigued by his life and family, Catherine frequently invited them to the balls that she and her husband held. It was inevitable that she and Canio would eventually have a passionate affair. It lasted about a year, until she was introduced to Julian Luna through Canio during one of her visits to Italy on a secret rendez-vous with Canio.

She soon became a pawn and prize between the two of them, both wooing her, trying to seduce her away from the other. And all the while, she was steadily falling in love with Julian. Canio saw this, and thus, put a stop to their romantic relationship, preferring to keep it platonic between the both of them. They forged a deep friendship. She and Elena also became good friends after that, and she was quite the doting aunt to Canio and Elena's children.

Just as Catherine was to confess her love to Julian, she was surprised to find that he had left the country. Never one to be dissuaded, Catherine tracked him down and found him in America. This time, the tables were turned, and she was the one doing the seducing. It wasn't long before they were romantically involved once again, but this time, they were in love. They would see each other sporadically, throughout England and Italy over the course of the next year.

Her husband, who'd been keeping track of her, found out about her affairs, both with Canio Di Nerezza and Julian Luna. At the time, Catherine was in Florence, apparently vacationing in the warm, healthy air. In reality, she was spending her days, and nights, with the man she loved, Julian Luna. Catherine's husband requested her return to their estate in Americaimmediately, stating that he was ill. Catherine went to keep up appearances as the loving wife and respected socialite.

Her husband had deceived her, and when she arrived at the estate, he beat her into submission and kept her locked inside their prison of a home.Canio was the first to get word of this, and sent for Julian immediately. Catherine's husband was brutally murdered, and she was taken to Julian's home in Italy. There she became Countess Luna, wife to Julian Luna, and it was then that she was embraced by Julian. As his wife, Catherine was allowed the freedom she craved and the happiness she wanted with him. Their life together was glorious, full of expensive jewels, lavish attire, houses across the globe, and everything she could have possibly wanted.

She changed drastically after her embrace. Still the gentle, loving woman Julian had fallen for, Catherine also became seductive, elusive, and desired by many. Yet, her heart belonged only to Julian.

In 1800, at their summer estate in France, she and Julian were hosting a ball. All of the influential clans were present, including the DiNerezza's, Priscus, Delano, and the Irmas da Morte. Life was full of rich, flowing blood, an abundance of money, and the world was at the Clans' whim. That night, well into the celebration, a deadly fire broke out in the wine cellars beneath the estate, unbeknownst to the celebrating, and perhaps careless, vampires. The Irmas da Morte called the first warning, but by then the fire had spread, and the sun was rising. The others were hastened into the underground tunnels of the estate and rushed to safety. Julian and Catherine were the last ones to escape, and Catherine was terribly burned in the escape. She was carried to safety by Julian and

It was eventually Catherine's vanity that forced her into seclusion. The fire did not leave her unmarred, for she bore ugly scars across her arms, hands, back, and most noticeably, on the right side of her face. Catherine, a woman who had once held the title of one of the most beautiful women among the Demon Goddess' children, bore the scars of fire. She would allow no one to see her, not even Julian, whom she loved beyond eternity. The Irmas Da Morte, hating to see one of they're children in pain, paid Catherine a visit once morning. In her sleep, they healed the terrible scars and made her whole once again. No one had seen her since just after the accident, so no one knew that  she had been healed, or even that she was alive.

At the urging of Diana, Catherine emerged from her seclusion only to find Julian in love with Lilianne Celeste Darieux, a woman she'd considered a close friend. Angered, and sad, she left Italy and came to America.

She emerge once again, coming into L.A. under the name Countess Luna.  The love between herself and Julian never died and it was rekinded quickly.  But things were unfinished between Julian and Lili.  Catherine endured, the old human teachings of what it was to be a wife and lady, to endure, allowed her to play the role of the perfect and loving, and blind wife.  But, Julian returned to her, and together they produced twins, both girls, whom they named Bellanca and Cristina.

Because of the watcher wars that had sprung up, Catherine was moved to Los Angeles during her pregnancy, and then to Italy soon after where she had her children and raised them, with visits from Julian, who was busy trying to keep the clan in blood and his own city in order.  Those were hectic times. When she finally did come back from overseas, it was only to San Francisco. Julian was unwilling to risk her and the children with the virus in L.A.  He went to LA and headstrong Bellanca followed him.  Catherine had Cristina sent back to Italy.

Now, In New York, the city of her mortal birth, Catherine finds herself in a position to help and rebuild her clan to the power they knew in L.A., and she will not hesitate to help.  A doting aunt and mother, Catherine is especially protective and extremely lenient with the children of her Clan. She denies them nothing.

Catherine has always been famous for her lavish and excessive parties, her decadence, and her constant smile and easy laughter. Catherine was the trendsetter of the Di Nerezza's, ever since she was embraced. The Di Nerezza's are royalty, of the purest noble blood, and Catherine does not hesitate to remind and flaunt this fact to others. All remembered and loved her parties, which were always very reminiscent of the 15th-18th centuries, with many jewels and long, flowing gowns. This reminded the Clans that they were royalty.

Catherine has cinammon-colored eyes that darken when she is sad or angry. But she can always be seen with a playful smile hovering about her lips and shining in her eyes.

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