Salene Di Nerezza

Before her Embrace, Salene ran the streets, peddling her wares, but also as a mortal pigeon not only for the dealers, but the Kindred as well. She was a household face, and many times, a household item to many Kindred looking for a quick feed. And Salene's blood was oh so pure. Avoiding drugs out of habit (she'd found out early that a part-time job as a blood doll meant having clean blood - a very enraged, and hungry, Therion had beat her, and that particular lesson, into the ground). A universal snitch, Salene was. But, as most bottom feeders do, Salene got a taste for power and position. A sometimes favorite of Alexander Therion, Salene pulled rank on the streets and had the toughs to back her up. Drugs became her coin of choice, and she drove her dealers like a true master. Organized crime became her haven, and drug sales became her baby. By eighteen, she was living off the addicts of New York, in a high rise away from what she called the 'nastiness of drug abuse'. Many whispered that the young human had no heart. Salene had a heart, but it never got in the way of ambition.

And her ambition led her into an even dangerous job, though less well-known. Using her Hemithane friends, she stuck her foot in the door of the Black Arts and Necromancy, and was sucked in too far to ever claw her way out. But, with this new monkey on her back, she also gained a bit more knowledge.

One would be surprised, she often reflected, on how much a Soul was worth on the black market. Salene found a new crutch, became a peddler of souls.

Sofia Di Nerezza saw the potential in the girl, as the harvesting of souls was not only a powerful process that required a strong soul and enormous, untapped power; it was also leverage that could sway most Kindred. Shrewd at first, Salene finally agreed to be Embraced by Sofia Di Nerezza, much to the dismay of the Hemithanes.Bold and brash, Salene claimed territory in the name of her Sire, and the New York Di Nerezza, since the moment of her Embrace. The face she presents to the world is that of a wild childe, an example of the more terrible creatures of the night, devoid of restraint and responsibility. Truly, Salene is a vampiress who hungers for power, and would do anything to achieve it.

A scheming bitch, but no less loyal to her Sire, Sofia, Salene is more than ready to cause ripples within her Clan in her bid for power and position. Because, after all, in the Di Nerezza Clan, these are the two things that matter most. At least, this is how Salene understands them.

"I started out selling drugs, and ended up selling souls."

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