Tamara Delano

Childe of the impulsive Drie, Tamara was a lowly "cigarette girl" in one of the many Monaco casinos that the Delano head frequented. Her saucy attitude and beauty caught his eye, but unlike so many of his conquests, Tamara managed to hold his interest long after he bedded her. She herself was no stranger to the pleasures of the flesh, but wanted more - more from the handsome stranger she knew only as Drie, more from life, more from her existence on this planet then what she had then the youngest daughter of a poor fisherman. And she has managed to have it all...

Suspecting what her handsome lover really was, she lay a trap for him. Familiar with majick due to her mother's gypsy heritage, the young woman "spiked" Drie's drink with wolfsbane - knowing it would make him wild with lust if he was indeed a specter of the supernatural. Her trick had farther reaching results then she originally intended - that night Drie drained her in the throes of their lovemaking. Her silent, pleading eyes drew his pity, and he embraced her as his own, rather then leave her to her final death. It is a choice he has come to regret.

For in her new state, Tamara is more deadly then most Kindred of her age. She has completely immersed herself into the dark arts, and is something of a fanatic on the matter of Drie Delano's leadership, more then willing to die at his command. She has come to view her prey with a viciousness akin to loathing, and has been known to make even the placid Lathos blanche at the sight of one of her kills. Her loyalty to her Clan is unswerving, even fanatical - as is her determination to win her place again in Drie's bed.

Upon receiving news of the Clan's move to NYC, Tamara followed. Here she hopes to prove her worth - both as Drie's chosen childe, and as possible Queen of the Delano.

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