Etoile Delano

Born in the town of Saint-Leonard, France in 1919, Etoile Cadieu was twenty when World War II started. The only daughter of the local printer (her father) and dress-maker (her mother), Etoile and her brothers watched the newspapers throughout the early days of the war, praying that their militant neighbour to the east would be stopped before they invaded France, but to no avail. Within the year, France was taken and the German's swarmed through the country-side like vermin.

Throughout the war years, her family - all staunch patriots - did their best to help the war effort. Her father printed flyers for the Resistance that her brothers would drive into nearby Reims under the pretence of delivering dresses or buying fabric for their mother. When the German's began cracking down on the locals and tightening security in the region, Etoile's father was forced to stop the presses, but that did not stop his three headstrong children from continuing with the war effort.

Etoile's brothers found their way into 'The Maquis' - the French Resistance - and soon sucked their sister in as well. Etoile at first just did shitwork for the Maquis, but slowly and steadily pushed up through the ranks. When one of the British spys she worked with was shot, Etoile was forced to take their place and became a 'pianist' (the radio operator in charge of sending and receiving coded messages) - one of the most dangerous jobs one could have. She moved around as much as she had to keep one step ahead of the German's, and while in a small town called Val-de-Marais met Stefan Delano.

Etoile did not especially like Stefan when she first met him, but after a few weeks around each other, she eventually softened and a strong friendship quickly blossomed. The two worked together from then on, Stefan even offering to be Etoile's look-out when she had to send messages after nightfall. One night, while sending a message from a random point in a local famer's barn, Etoile and Stefan were ambushed. The farmer had sold them out to the local patrols. Etoile ran into the woods, heading towards the closest safehouse with the patrols quick on her heels ...... The young woman burst through the woods as fast as her feet could carry her, coming to the road she was forced to move into the open to cross it and was shot in the back before she could make it to the other side. Stefan reached her side only moments before she would have died, and in a panic, embraced her on the spot.

Now Kindred, Etoile moved around the country-side with Stefan as they continued to fight - never leaving his side once until the war was won and France was once again free. When Stefan decided it was time to go back to America, Etoile chose to stay in France and the two parted ways. She never saw him again.

Etoile kept an eye and an ear out for her Kindred family through the last half of this century, building a name for herself seperate from the Delano as a ruthless gun for hire throughout Europe, and then - in the last two decades - America. Running her small band of kidnappers murderers and terrorists from her well-hidden shithole war room in 'the alphabets', she's put to good use her training in the Maquis. Hearing that Drie was now in control of the family has given her the extra push needed to reach out for her Kindred family finally and hearing that the surviving members are looking to create a new name for the family give just a little thrill.

Etoile is an independant spirit - an 'entrepeneusse' - and lives best on her own. And though sometimes, over the last fifty years, she has missed her sire, Etoile doesn't find any need to hunt him down now that he's in the city .... she is just content in knowing that he is out there now if she ever needs someone to watch her back again.

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