Cole Deveraux Delano


Cole Deveraux Delano is Jordan Deveraux Priscus' twin brother, and elder brother to Leigh and Francesca. Cole was embraced the very night he first arrived in LA, much to his sister's chagrin, and the twins have been battling ever since - which suits Cole just fine.

A graduate of Columbia University, Cole is an artist, with a degree in architecture.  Following his move to Los Angeles, Cole opened a coffee house/jazz club/art gallery named Relativity.  In light of his family's decision to move to New York City with the rest of the Los Angeles Clans, Cole has decided to open a second such concept in New York, called Pursuits.  Unlike Relativity, where the art gallery was kept as a separate entity from the jazz club and the coffee house,and viewed as the primary business,  Pursuits is primarily a jazz club.  Located in an older home in Gramercy Park, each room of the house is used as part of the club, with the largest room, the second floor sitting room, housing the band.  Customers can sit at the tables provided in each room, listen to jazz, enjoy the French gourmet served at Pursuits, and relax.  The third floor is the art gallery, and is reserved by invitation only.  The massive attic is Cole's living quarters and studio.  Pursuits is intended to be an Elysium of sorts, as Cole has little patience for any who disturb the tranquility of the club, and has several Therion guards serving as bouncers.

Cole strikes many who meet him as a New Age hippie. Easily among the most complex personalities among the Kindred of the city, he radiates a deep sense of peace and contentment, and his priorities revolve around his work.  Those who know him best, though, know that just beneath that quiet surface lies a raging demon who is extremely dangerous when angered. He is subject to wild mood swings, and can alternate from tranquil to raging in a milosecond.  He views the political structure of the Clans with great amusement, and refuses to be categorized into any description. At times, his refusal to participate in his Clan's activities have led to heated battle with Drie Delano, but the two inevitably make up over cigars and a bottle of brandy.  Just as Drie is the hot head, Cole is the leveling force behind the Delano Clan.

Cole is just over six feet in height, with an artists hands.  He shares Jordan' red hair, fair skin, and shocking blue eyes.  Women find him greatly intriguing, especially Kindred women who are mystified as to his persona.

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