Stefan Delano


Stefan Delano is the youngest of the Delano brothers, and the least interested in playing by the Rules.  He left his family right after they were Embraced to go discover for himself what unlife was like.  Never one to listen to what others had to say, he soon plunged into life in Europe in the 1920's, and was caught up in such events as the French Resistance, and the second Great War.  His actions were done not out of conscience, but because he fed from the adrenaline.

He moved about the continents for the next 80 years, returning to his family in LA after hearing they thought him dead.  He was not pleased by what he saw as his family's secondary rank within the Los Angeles Kindred, and only stayed because of a romantic interlude with a watcher, Jordanna Deveraux. Their affair was hot, brief, and ended when he felt it was getting too serious - he didn't really want a Watcher for a girlfriend.

Drie contacted Stefan as the plague hit LA, and wiped out much of their family.  He has joined his brother in New York, where he hopes the two of them can rebuild their Clan.  Besides, he has heard that Jordan is now a Priscus, which makes her much more desirable - and he hasn't quite forgotten their short-lived romance.

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