Sebastian Andrasta

If the Andrasta's could have a black sheep and a loose cannon in their family, Sebastian Andrasta would be it. He's brash, impulsive, ruthless, abnormally cruel, detests any form of authority, is insanely volatile and as far as anyone can tell has no soul. You would think he would be The Andrasta Clan’s pride and joy… and sometimes he comes close to it. But on the most part the elders of his clan barely refrain from killing him due to his disrespect of their positions.

He was born in Great Britain in the late 1600's, so he's relatively young, but he has the blood of Veronique, an Ancient in her own right, running through his veins making him a worthy adversary indeed. He was the bastard son of King Charles the II, begot of one of his many infidelities, though his mother was one of the King’s favorite mistresses and was sent to live in wealth in the English countryside. Something he did quite well. He was spoiled and arrogant, did what he pleased and was everything his mother did not want him to be reveling in the debauchery of that time and every century thereafter. After she died, Sebastian set off to make trouble around the world and that’s when he met Veronique.

Sebastian had no idea what drew Veronique to him and wasn’t about to question it. She saw him, he saw her and together they seduced each other. She was fascinated by his absolute lack of fear, his acid tipped sarcastic humor, and his extreme wickedness and in time she their relationship led to Sebastian’s embrace. Eventually, they both became bored with each other and drifted apart, though would pick up their relationship when it pleased them. With his immortality and strength of his sire’s blood, he went off to wreak havoc even more…namely on the other clans.

Half of the women in the clan adore him and have at least been his lover once. And the other half cannot stand the sight of him especially Jade. And that’s not counting the women in the other clans and even a certain young hotheaded Di Nerezza. But there is one woman that could have tamed Sebastian if such a thing is possible. Gabriella Priscus. He is obsessed with her and has chased her for many years until she finally had a mob grab him in the late 1800’s almost costing him his unlife. That of course didn’t stop him and after going to LA he kidnapped the woman and tortured her for days until she was finally rescued by a band of Forty and her darling Cade, whom he despises more than most things.

He hides his power behind a mocking indifference. He loves rules, his rules. When provoked or challenged in any way, Sebastian does not hesitate to prove his prowess. Sebastian is an excellent manipulator being both extremely intelligent and calculating. He does things to amuse himself and no other. But it is his skills as a manipulator that make him one of the Andrasta clans most valuable assets. Sebastian has been known to break hearts and leave a bloody path wherever he goes and there are very few who are immune to his plots. And he enjoys his work…a lot. In fact nothing gives him more pleasure then to see someone squirm because of the things he has done. Including the head of his clan, Dimitri, Bishop’s brother who is 
actually a friend.

You see Sebastian adores pushing peoples buttons, and is constantly tryingto piss everyone off. Sebastian also deliberately pushes the envelope, endangers the Masquerade and does what he pleases. In other words he’ll do anything that will cause chaos or get him killed. But Sebastian’s head seems to be fine. Who knows why. Maybe he has friends in high places. Despite the constant affront to his new authority when Sebastian is around, Dimitri keeps him by his side because he is an asset. A loose cannon that is thoroughly efficient.

He's cruel, calculated and more than determined to have New York as his new playground…
Let the games begin.

"Fetch me another, this one's broken!"

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