***This character is no longer being played. It is not up for adoption, and this profile is only up so as to keep things clear as possible for the other players and their profiles***

Violaine Andrasta

Childe to Veronique and sister to Sabastian, Violaine was sired over 900 years ago in her small village in the French Islands of the Mediterranean. A young peasant with the face of an angel, she never once questioned why her sire chose her above any other. She simply accepts the fact and enjoys the power given to her by Veronique.

She is a ruthless woman. A manipulator of man. Violaine is cold, callous and completely uncaring when it comes to her victims - and the majority of vampires as well - and she takes great joy in killing anything and everything that crosses her path. She is a seductress - having worked her bloody way though hundreds of Lords, Kings, Priests and Rockstars over her 900+ years - and she has yet to come across a man who can turn from her charms.

She adores those of her brothers and sisters still left - especially Sabastian - and finds her young brother a kindred spirit. Neither of them ever much liked listening to Bishop or taking orders and they've both gotten in trouble from time to time for doing the exact opposite of what they were told and causing excessive bloodshed when none was needed. She is not a lose cannon like her brother Sabastian, but she is a force to be reckoned with, having inherited some of her sire's powers, a quick temper and all but unmatched lust for blood. She has been - at times - close to Veronique, but spent most of her time on her own ... Violaine hasn't needed a baby-sitter in quite a few century and she found being around her sire left her feeling like a coddled child more often than not.

Very early on Violaine became seriously involved with Francesco Di Nerezza - the clan enforcer who later became Thera Di Nerezza's first husband - and has always blamed the little blonde witch for his death. For almost three hundred years before Thera was even born, Violaine had been Francesco's only mistress, and the fact that Thera was the one allowed to cry over his ashes and act the part of the anguished widow has *always* pissed Violaine off. She has only run into the Di Nerezza princess a handful of times since Francesco's death, but each time their paths have crossed she has done her best to leave the little princess with a scar or two.

She only heard of her family's decimation though the few survivors the Di Nerezza let escape. The news of her sire's death pained her greatly, but the sting was lessened by the news that Bastian was still ok, though she has never tried to get in touch with him since the massacre. From her penthouses' in New York, Paris and Milan, she keeps an eye and an ear out for Sabastian and controls her personal holdings via messenger and email. She is not a recluse, but she doesn't much like the company of others, save for old friends, lovers and siblings. After a year of watching from a distance, Violaine has finally sent word to Sabastian and Dimitri of her whereabouts and asked them if they would like to stay with her in New York to build the family anew, now that Los Angeles is in ruin.

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