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love.photo album.

my ucla experience.  09.93 - 06.97.  westwood, ca.

the girls at santa monica beach. mich and i met lara flynn boyle on campus. trying some of sandy's sour candy. ah ochem...we loved ochem. me and sandy with the famous bruin.
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lunchtime on bruin walk with mary and linda. me and linda in front of powel library. a field trip to griffith park with roebling. doesn't this look like it should be an album cover? the boys singing "my way".
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the roebling gang. bang being bang. ucla football game. thanksgiving dinner at colby.
ucla graduations... gradninalinda.jpg (56476 bytes) gradmarymich.jpg (39153 bytes) gradsandy1.jpg (52914 bytes) gradsandy2.jpg (49025 bytes)
linda and nina's graduation day. dykstra reunion! sandy's graduation. heehee...every girl has to have one of these photos.
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mary and mich's graduation. hans' graduation. colby guys graduate. roebling together again (again, minus one whitey). a bruin tradition.



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