Sometimes I think I'd be better off dead. No, wait, not me, you.

Henry Ward Beecher (March 8, 1887)

"Now comes the mystery."


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Dominique Bouhours (1702)

"I am about to -- or I am going to -- die: either expression is correct."

French grammarian

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Ludwig van Beethoven (March 26, 1827)

"Friends applaud, the comedy is finished."


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Remington, Frederic (1861-1909)

"Cut 'er loose, Doc!"

Frederic Remington was the premier artist of the American West. In 1909, he developed an acute case of appendicitis. He spoke his last words to the surgeon just before his emergency appendectomy and died of peritonitis and other complications following the operation. From The Last Words Collection

Washington, George (1732-1799)

"'Tis well."

George Washington was a hero of the American Revolution and the first President of the United States. Some have claimed that Washington requested a Bible with his dying breath, but neither his doctors nor his private secretary recorded any such request, and they were all with him until the moment he died. Washington did tell one of his physicians, "Doctor, I die hard, but I am not afraid to go. My breath cannot last long." A short time later, he expressed concern that he not be buried alive, "I am just going. Have me decently buried, and do not let my body be put into the vault in less than three days after I am dead. Do you understand?" "Yes, sir," the doctor replied. "'Tis well," answered Washington. From The Last Words Collection

Hook, Captain

"Bad form." - novella

"The croc! The croc! The croc! Pan, no words of mine can express me utter contempt for you." - screenplay

Play (1904) and novella (1912), Peter Pan or the Boy Who Would Not Grow Up, also titled, Peter and Wendy, by James M. Barrie Broadway play and television screenplay, 1954 and 1960. From The Last Words Collection

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