Reg. No. 98/18384/08 (a Section 21 Co. not for gain)

 "In Custody of Our Natural Heritage"  

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Wildlife 1

 Burchells Zebra

Stallions have serrated cheek teeth and large canine teeth, making the total compliment 40 while mares have only 36. Mares canines are present but hardly ever pierce the gums. The lifespan is probably determined by the teeth. Incisors grow throughout its l

This gregarious family unit usually consists of a stallion, 1 tot 12 mares with their foals and is called a harem. Harems are stable with committed members. When a member is lost the stallion will search and call for them and the whole herd will adjust its pace to accommodate sick or cripple members.

Using sight and sound, they recognize each other and greet by repeatedly opening and shutting their mouths, (without their teeth showing), while holding their ears forward. Being social allows them a variety of gestures, such as showing the following moods or gestures; Playful gestures: mock biting, ears sideways and forward, Threat display: ears back, pointing the head at the opponent. Submissive display: Lowers head, ears folded forward, back or to the side, chewing movements with teeth exposed. When a Stallion herds females: Low head with ears back. 

Full scale fights between herd stallions are a sight to behold as the two animals rear, kick and bite each other, favorite targets are the opponent’s knees which in defensive kneels allowing a attack only by biting opponents knees in return. 

Mares give birth lying down  close to the group. The foal stands within 10-15 min, walks after 20 min and runs within an hour. The mother chases away all other females during the first few days to enable her to bond with the foal. For the first few days foals eat the fresh dung of adults to obtain the bacteria needed for digestion. 

Males are a little larger than females with a narrow black stripe running vertically between their hind legs, in females this stripe is wide. Every Zebra’s pattern is unique, similar to fingerprints in humans. When fleeing it is only done at half speed, although they can reach speeds of 60-70km/h, to ensure the group staying together. When attacked the herd bunches up, mares with foals running in front, followed by other mares and the stallion right at the back. Should a zebra break the rule of splitting from the group it will be singled out and attacked.  

Zebra’s form an important link in the food chain. By grazing long, coarse grass (smaller species find these unpalatable), trampling down what they do not eat, zebra open grass areas for other grazers which feed at the next level. Zebra’s, although having a dangerous kick, are a valuable protein supply for large predators.

Photo's taken in Marloth Park : Males were testing urine of female in estrus by way of Flemen. 

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