Reg. No. 98/18384/08 (a Section 21 Co. not for gain)

 "In Custody of Our Natural Heritage"  

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Wildlife 2


Interesting snake facts:

There is approx. 2,000 species of snakes in the world

Of these on 300 species are dangerous to man, very few will attack unless disturbed

Southern Africa has 130 species.

Only 14 (recorded species) have been responsible for deaths. (E.g. Puff Adder, Black & Green Mamba, Mozambique spitting cobra, Boomslang etc.)

The amount of venom injected is pre-determined depending on the size of the prey or how big the threat is to the snake.

Poisonous snakes are divided into 2 categories : front and back-fanged snakes:

Venom of front-fanged snakes is cytotocix (affecting body tissue e.g.. Puff Adder) and neurotoxic (affecting the nervous system e.g. mamba & cobra)

Venom of back-fanged snakes affects blood circulation by preventing blood from clotting. (e.g. Boomslang)


ADDERS: Short, thick & heavily build, most with chevron markings. Slow-acting venom in serious cases death after 24hrs (5% of bites are fatal)

MAMBAS: Usually olive-brown with "coffin-shaped head - long snout and small eyes. Death can occur within 20 min to 8 hrs

COBRAS: Usually has a hood. Delayed symptoms developing 24-48hrs after bite. Mozambique spitting cobra bite may also exhibit cytotoxic symptoms.



e.g. BOOMSLANG: Usually green with large eyes but can also be olive-brown. Delayed symptoms developing 24-48 hours later - internal bleeding.

e.g. BIRD / TWIG SNAKE: Slender with lance-shaped head, inflating when threatened. Perfect camouflage against trees. Eyes set forward. Fatalities rare.

To obtain photo's the writer hereof went with E.I.R. to capture on film the re-location of a Black Mamba that was removed from a home in Finch street, Marloth Park.  



Instead of leaving, the Mamba decided to get on top of the "capture" box.  From where, of course, he displayed his "dominance" just to ensure that we know what and who he is. 

After about 10 minutes he left and headed for the closest trees.     

Puff Adder - Lionspruit.

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