Reg. No. 98/18384/08 (a Section 21 Co. not for gain)

 "In Custody of Our Natural Heritage"  

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Wildlife 2



A contagious viral disease effecting cloven-hooved animals such as cattle etc. and antelope such as buffalo, impala, kudu and waterbuck.  The virus is present in all bodily fluids of infected animals.  Symptomatic of the disease is severe rounded lesions in the mouths and on the hooves and in severe cases the hoof wall is separated from the inner foot.  In most instances recovery is spontaneous followed by a life-long immunity.


Anthrax is a bacterial disease.  Browsers can be contaminated by feeding on leaves that carry the spore - the bacteria forms spore when coming in contact with air.  The bacteria can survive in soil for many years and if there is no contact with air e.g. inside a carcass - the bacteria will die.  For example, Blowflies are usually the 1st to arrive at a carcass and should the carcass be contaminated with the anthrax bacteria, the blowfly becomes party responsible for the spreading of the disease.  After feeding and laying eggs, the blowfly regurgitates or defecates droplets on to it's next resting place e.g. leaves, thus the next potential browser could be infected.  Lions are known to get anthrax from contaminated carcasses or at carcasses where blowflies, infected with the bacteria visit.  The bacteria prevents blood from clotting and for this reason, effected animals can usually be seen with blood running from all orifices. (Severe fever as well as internal bleeding).


Fresh Wild Sage leaves rubbed onto the body or burned on the "braai" as well as burning elephant dung will keep away mozzies!


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