ECOMAMA labwork syllabus

Master of Science in Ecological Marine Management

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This syllabus gives you a brief outline on some basic methods used in marine ecological research. Its scope is far from being a complete overview on methodology, but rather to give some possibilities for experimental set-ups and some basic techniques. The text is at present oriented towards practical exercises focusing on the C-cycling in pelagic ecosystems. This syllabus should be extended in the course of future practical exercises and excursions, offering research facilities on different subjects and under other circumstances (e.g. benthic research, population dynamics, in situ measurements). All personal contributions and remarks are of course very welcome.



I. Introduction

II. Abiotic factors

III. Biological factors


Keywords: autotrophs, heterotrophs, primary production, photosynthesis, respiration, aquatic, diatoms, flagellates, copepods, detritus, Winkler method, Shannon-Wienerdiversity index 


ECOMAMA labwork syllabus website can be found in the URL:

Most recent update of this page: 9th May 2002, by Nguyen Thi Hai Van

Any suggestion can be sent to: [email protected]

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