They know how to live after nature laws, teaching everyone  not to assault it, but to preserve all life on the earth. They were the earliest of all of the inhabitants of America, these men were always hunting and fishing in order to survive. And since they were young,  they learned how to respect nature.

Since they lived in nature's perfect harmony, they saw everything in the forest was co-related. They thought that nature could be their mother because it gave them water, animal flesh and fruit trees. Nature gave them life. So, they call nature "mother" and learned how to preserve it. Nature is so important, so important for them that they have noticed how to protect it, observing how was the nature's behavior.

You see, they knew how to grow manioc, women's work. Since they saw that the soil was loosing its strength, they changed the piece of land by another advantage ground. When hunting was becoming poor, they moved to a new place. Long since they preserved nature , and the word environment did not exist at that time. Till nowadays they respect nature.
They did not know the meaning of wealthy. Possession did not exist for them. Every one of them learned how to divide nature's gifts. Since nature was their mother, they were brothers and sisters. When menaced by unknown people, they made war to survive. Some thought that a brave enemy must be eaten in order to acquire his power and strength. A few liked human flesh. Everything they saw, including plants, animals and the forces of the living nature, had an origin. Even all the feelings, had an explanation. They had an explanation by means of legends

They did not know how to write but they drew signals and symbols. From generation to generation they explained mother-nature's works, their origin, and how to preserve their mother's gifts. We will let you know more about this people that still live  in the jungles, in the rain forest, in the mountains, prairies and on the coast of a country called Brazil.
Here you can see the picture called The Caipora painted in 1989(oil on canvas) by   the brazilian artist Valnei G. Lopes, thati was born and lives in Rio and has studied several legends from the brazilian tribes. Caipora is an inhabitant of the rain forest and lives in the imagination of  Amazon indians. Valnei gives talks and conferences all over the world about this subject and his pictures shows these indians tales. If your University or College wants to contact him for scheduled talks or conferences or if you want to know more about him, go on and see The Author's page.
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A natureza lhes deu leis, que ensinavam como n�o agredi-la, e eles aprenderam a  preserv�-la bem como a toda forma de vida na terra. Eles foram os primeiros habitantes da Am�rica, estes homens que estavam sempre ca�ando e pescando a fim de sobreviverem. E desde sua tenra idade eles aprenderam como respeitar a natureza.
Como viviam em perfeita harmonia com a natureza, eles perceberam que tudo na natureza era co-relacionado. Pensavam que a natureza poderia ser como sua m�e porque lhes dava a �gua, a carne dos animais e frutas. A natureza lhes dava vida. Por isso eles chamam-na de "m�e" e aprenderam como preserv�-la. A natureza lhes � t�o importante, t�o importante para eles, que observaram como proteg�-la atrav�s do seu comportamento.
Observem que eles aprenderam a cultivar mandioca, um servi�o feminino. Logo que percebiam que o solo estava perdendo sua for�a, eles mudavam-se para outras terras. Quando a ca�a estava ficando escassa, eles iam para um novo lugar.  H�  muito eles j� preservavam a natureza, e a palavra meio-ambiente n�o existia �quela �poca. At� hoje eles respeitam a natureza.
Eles n�o conheciam  o que era possess�o. A posse n�o existia para eles. Cada um deles aprendia a dividir aquilo que a natureza lhes oferecia. Desde que a natureza era sua m�e, eles eram irm�os e irm�s.  Quando amea�ados por povos desconhecidos, eles guerreavam para sobreviver. Alguns pensavam que um inimigo valente, deveria ser comido para que se capturasse o seu poder e a sua for�a. Tudo que que eles viam, inclusive plantas, animais e as for�as da natureza, tinham uma origem. At� mesmo os sentimentos, tinham uma explica��o. Eles explicavam tudo por meio de lendas.
Eles n�o sabiam como escrever, mas  desenhavam sinais e s�mbolos. De gera��o em gera��o eles explicavam as obras da m�e-natureza, suas origens, e como preservar os presentes que a sua m�e lhes dava. Vamos lhes mostrar muito sobre este povo que ainda vive nas selvas, nas montanhas, pradarias e costas deste pa�s chamado Brasil.
You see here the Caipora, an inhabitant of the brazilian forests. Caipora hates hunters and appears to them as a giant or a dwarf always riding a little wild pig called Pecari. Caipora protects all the forest animals, from the tiny ant to the big Anta,the biggest brazilian mammalian.
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