the magic bird of Amazonia
When it begins singing, all the other forest birds stop to hear the most beautiful sound they could ever listen to...The Uirapuru's* voice...
A tiny red colored bird. But what a voice!

All the animals in the forest stop to listen to the little bird! Even the most ferocious creatures, bewitched by its voice, stop and look for it.

They can't see it, but wait... just a moment... there it is! On the top of a big tree!

The most charming, astounding and musical of the sounds of the Amazon forest is heard and can be seen too! Vigorous, like a gipsy violin, the voice spreads itself all over the forest.

Shhhh! Listen! The Uirapuru is singing!..The spirit of the Amazon forest  is singing...
(*)Pronounce it Werahpooroo
To listen
more sounds
of the Forest
Valnei G. Lopes, Uirapuru, 1994, oil on canvas, 65 x 54 cm
The Uirapuru
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