
Troop 316 will make every attempt to have at least 15 days and nights of camping throughout the scouting year including summer camp.  These campouts are the best opportunity for the scouts to earn rank advancements and show what they have learned during meetings.  Each campout will be organized around that month�s program   theme.

Outings Chairman
The Troop Committee will appoint an Outings Chairman to submit the necessary tour permits to the council, and make any necessary arrangements for the outing. 


1. The scout oath and law governs everybody at all times
2. Scouts and Adults will wear the class A uniform to and from all camping trips.
3. Camping is by patrols:  Patrol members will pick a specific site for its patrol and will mark it by posting the flag outside the tent of the Patrol leader.  Sharing of tents by boys of the same patrol is encouraged.  NO ADULT WILL SHARE A TENT WITH A SCOUT UNLESS IT IS THE BOYS PARENT OR GUARDIAN. 
4. Ask permission before entering the campsite of another patrol or troop
5. Everyone will work during campouts.  Duties will be assigned by the patrol leaders or the SPL and scouts are expected to follow them.
6. Scouts may only build fires in the designated fire ring, and only after gaining the permission of an adult leader.
7. The buddy system applies at all times, especially during hikes and all water activities.  The buddy system is simple never leave your buddy and do not leave him.
8. Lights out is at 11 p.m.  No scout should be outside his tent unless going to use the bathroom or reporting an emergency.  Talking will be kept to a whisper if scouts stay awake after lights out has been called.
9. No fighting, harassment or hazing is permitted at any time.  A scout is kind.
10. No early departure will be allowed unless the scoutmaster or camp leader knows in advance.  Scouts must check out with the scoutmaster or camp leader before departing.
11. No tobacco, alcohol or drugs are allowed on campouts
(I�ve seen this too!�)

Consequences for not abiding by these rules may include extra duties, some form of physical hardship, calls home, being sent home, or being suspended from troop activities.

Suggested Camping Gear

Class A uniform
- Sleeping bag
- Pocketknife
- Hiking boots
- Flashlight
- Water bottle
- Extra clothes
- Rain gear
- Scout handbook
- Hygiene products
- Towel
- Ground cloth
- Swim trunks

Prohibited Items
- fireworks, or other explosives
- cigarette lighters
- sheath knives
- electronic equipment
- any form of weapon
- tobacco, alcohol
- board games  (I've seen it happen)


Summer camp is a week long camping trek to our local councils camp, Camp Tukabatchee.  During summer camp a scout can accomplish what would take him a year in scout meetings.  We encourage every scout to attempt to attend summer camp.  The troop conducts various fund raising efforts that attempt to allow every scout to go to camp.


Troop 316 strongly encourages all parents to take the boy scout leader basic training  courses described on this page.  This training helps all parents understand the scouting program and assist in various areas. 

Who needs what training?

Scoutmaster/ Assistant Scoutmaster
- Fast Start
- New leaders Essentials
- Scoutmaster Leader Specific Training
- Outdoor Leader Training
- Youth Protection
Troop Committee Members
- Fast Start
- New Leaders Essentials
- Troop Committee Specific
- Youth Protection

Training Descriptions

Fast Start
Fast Start training is the first step for any volunteer leader.  The Boy Scout Fast Start video includes segments on each phase of the boy scout program.  It includes an introduction to scouting how it is organized, how to run an effective troop meeting, and run outdoor activities.

New Leaders Essentials

New Leaders Essentials is a 90 minute introductory session that highlights the entire scouting program.  Presentations cover the aims, history, funding and methods of scouting.  It covers all phases from cub scouting to venturing.  Each leader need only go through NLE once. 

Leader Specific Training
Leader specific training provides specialized knowledge a new leader needs to perform his/her duties.  Training times may vary because each course is designed for a specific leadership position. 

Troop committee member training includes the Troop Committee Challenge that lasts 2-3 hours.  It covers the duties of the Troop Committee Members and the Chairman in effectivle administrating a troop.

Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmaster training is divided into four parts.  Three parts are scoutmaster specific and last two hours each.  The last is outdoor leader skills which focuses on the outdoor skills necessary to have a successful outdoor program.

Junior Leader Training
Junior Leader Training is a continouus traing effort by the Adult leaders to teach junior leaders of the troop leadership skills necessary for them to be effective leaders in scouting and in life.  A day or weekend long Junior Leader Training Camp is a time when the new leaders of the troop learn valuable skills to help them in their scouting positions. 
Only Patrol Leaders, Assistant Patrol Leaders, Troop Guides, Assistant Senior Patrol Leaders, and the Senior Patrol Leader attend the Junior Leader Training Camp.  

Other opportunities for training which are encourged and sometimes required by the bsa are:

Youth Protection: required for tour permit approval, this training overviews aspects of youth protection involving inappropraite bahavior when dealing with scouts, and covers molestation, and abuse.

Safe Swim Defence: training that is required if a troop is participating in any kind of swimming activity.  It covers the BSA's eight points of swimming safety.

Safety Afloat: Training that is required if a troop is participating in any kind of floating/boating activity.  It covers the BSA's eight points of boating safety
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Troop 316 Parent Guidebook
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