"I have been playing Bass Guitar in Nevergoinghome since the beginning. How our music sounds to ourselves and to the audience is very important to me and I certainly enjoy seeing our audience hawing a good time. I was born on August 30, 1985, and I am the youngest member of the band, which seems kind of bad but it just means I might live longer than all them. I currently play a Gertsch Bass and my favorite bands are Thrice, Thursday, Taking Back Sunday, Hot Rod Circuit and The Used. My inspirations stem from the want and need to play and instrument in an ensemble cast, plus some amazing bassists such as the Who's John Entwistly who can play the guitar just like he's ringing a bell. If anybody wants to come and talk to me after shows I would appreciate the company because I am lonely. I also enjoy bleeding all over my guitar."
Joey Banks - Bass, Backup Vocals
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