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Hello! It turns out that along with the dragons came FIRE LIZARDS! My Flutter wing, Clow, will help you learn about them!
GREEN: The green fire lizards are the lowest ranking of fire lizard. The love to sun tan.

RED: Red fire lizards are the 6th ranking firelizards. They like bright colors and places.

BLUE: Blue fire lizards are the 5th in rank. They love to be near water.

BROWN: Browns are the 4th ranking fire lizards. They love to be left alone.

BRONZE: Bronzes are the 3rd in rank. They love to be around dragons.

WHITE: White fire lizards are the 2nd in rank. They love to dream....

GOLD: Golds are the highest ranking fire lizards. They love to be with their bondmate.

BLACK: Blacks are really rare and like to stay in dark places.
Fire lizards can mate. Their mating is simular to the dragons. The Queens/Gold and Whites lay the most eggs. (40 to 60) The only fire lizards that can fly with the Queens and the Whites are Bronzes and rarely some Browns. Greens and 'both gender' females  can fly with rejected Bronzes and Browns or any of the other males. (30 to 40 eggs.)
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There are 2 stages; egg and adult.
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