Parent Lists
Here you will find the homes of the pets that have been adopted! Have fun visiting them!
Ziemurian List
Ziefinon              Cartaker          Neopets?
Lyndo              Sylver Myrror   Livibelladomi98
Ziefinon List
Wolf                       Cartaker                   Type                   Mate                   Gender                   Neopets?
Afterlife                  Sylver Myrror         Transparent               ?                        Male                   livibelladomi98
Wolf List
Firelizard                   Cartaker                   Color                 Mate            Gender             Neopets?
Urth                          Chris                     Green                 Volt             Female            elementald5
Fier                          Chris                      Red                  Watr             Male               "              "
Volt                          Chris                     Bronze               Urth             Male               "              "
Watr                          Chris                     White                 Fier            Female             "              "
Twista                        Chris                     White                Dreed            Male               "              "
Fired                         "       "                    Red                   Ocea             Male               "              "
Ocea                         "       "                    Blue                   Fired           Female            "               "
Dreed                        "        "                   Black                 Twista          Female            "               "
Firelizard List
Cat                Cartaker            Neopets?
Laura            Sylver Myrror      livibelladomi98
Cat Special List
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Wild Cat                   Cartaker                   Type           Neopets?
Joe                         Fire Hawk                 Puma       firehawk_2007
Wild Cats List
Litter 1
Clutch 1
Clutch 1
Ziemurian                    Cartaker                   Type                   Mate              Gender         Neopets?
Banjit                          Sylver Myrror             Grass                  ?                  Male         Livibelladomi98
Lavma                            Chris                     Lava                  Cascad             Male             elementd5
Cascad                          Chris                      Sea                    Lavma            Female          "             "
Flowa                            Chris                     Grass                   Bolt               Female          "             "
Thundr                           Chris                      Sun                   Tahn               Male             "              "
Spirit                             Chris                     Cloud                 Shado              Male            "              "
Shadow                         Chris                      Night                 Spirit              Female          "              "
Anjel                              Chris                      White                 Evela               Male            "              "
Metalik                          Chris                       Fog                    Artic               Male            "              "
Evela                             Chris                      Black                  Anjel               Female         "              "
Tahn                              Chris                       Earth                Thundr            Female         "              "
Bolt                               Chris                     Horizon                Flowa              Male            "              "
Artic                              Chris                      Ice                     Metalik            Female         "              "
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