Well this is my News page. Previous visitors will notice that I used to put all my news on my Main page, but I've decided to put it all here instead (I'm sure nobody's interested in boring update news anyway ^_^) The names of all those who help me in some way will be displayed here as well (just so you know I'm thankful!)

Neko Musuko ^_^

24th March 2002

Here it is, the long awaited update.......well most of it. I'm afraid the temperamental GeoCities uploader has decided not to accept a few of the new images. The Felicia and Adult titles may not appear at all and if they do they will be the old versions. Also, the long awaited new galleries will have to be put back a few more days (Hey it's not our fault! >_<). As you can see, we've got a new color scheme and some new menus (and we really need those missing images too >_<). Anyway, take a look around and enjoy!

13th December 2001

Phew! This is definately my biggest update. I've added over 50 new pics and I'm still not finished ^_~. I've kinda rushed this update because I've had loads of other stuff to do aswell, so please tell me if you spot any problems. But I'll have a couple of spare weeks over christmas to sort out any problems (and maybe another update ^_^). Anyway, enjoy and happy christmas!

15th November 2001

Sorry if you've had trouble with the galleries! I had some problems updating them, but they should be ok now. If you still have any trouble with them please say.

11th November 2001

I added a page all about me. I also switched the menu buttons to make them a bit more 800X600 friendly. I'm still in the process of changing the Bio's and I've had trouble uploading my new links page. They should be sorted within the week though.
Oh, does anyone know how to do mouse-tip text in html? I'd really like to know.

7th October 2001

Not really an update but its still news. I got a free cjb.net redirection for my site, so you now only need to type www.nekomimibox.cjb.net to get here. If you want more info about the cjb.net redirection service visit www.cjb.net

4th October 2001

Finally got round to doing another update. This was bigger than the last one, but you probably won't notice much difference. I got rid of the java-script for now, so the pages should load faster. I also added a yahoo! search box on my main page and added quite a few more pics to my galleries. Go check 'em out.

3rd September 2001

Pretty big update. I added a guestbook (provided by Dreambook.com). Please use it, I get so lonely *sniff*. I've also added a new page for all my update news (it's called the News page funnily enough, and if you're reading this you've probably found it already ^_^). I did it for two reasons..... a) update news is really boring and b) I got a few messages asking what a Nekomimi is (I was quite unprepared for that!).
So I thought that I would put some information about Nekomimi on my Main page to make sure everybody has a rough idea of what to expect in my site. Hope it helps!

23nd August 2001

I would like to apologize to anyone who accessed my site since it was first put up (7 days ago). I had a few problems uploading it, that's why its been a bit of a mess (hey, it's only the first time I've done this). Its all working as it should be now though, I think. If you spot a problem that I haven't please tell me. Thanks for bearing with me ^_^

16th August 2001

In the future I'll put news and update info in these little boxes. Seeing that I've just finished I don't have anything to put in here yet

Here's a list of everyone who has helped me in some way....... 

Poon Dawg e-mail me
(thanks for the pics)

(Thanks for the html help)

(erm....nice shirt)

Amythest Cat
(Thanks for the link, and the offer of help ^_^)

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