This is a list of links to some of the cool catgirl sites I found or been told about by friends.
I know there are loads more out there, I just haven't got round to looking at them yet *^_^*
Feel free to link to my site if you want and I hope you don't hate me for linking to yours.

If you would would like me to add a link to your site here just e-mail me your site's name and address. You can also send me a banner for your site if you want.

Neko Musuko ^_^

Amythest Cat's Warm Laundry Basket

Nyao! Mix

Nekotaku Anime Fanart


Hyperpolice Fan Site

Here's some other sites that may or may not interest you. They are some cool sites I've stumbled across or been told about that are not about catgirls or anime.
Please visit them anyway.

Grand Prix 3 2000

If you would like to add a link to my site on your own, please, feel free to do so. If you want, you could use one of my banners below. Thanks!

Neko Musuko ^_^

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