Journals and Miscellanea

Above are scans of pages from one of Barron's Journals that he was kind enough to let some of his students make. I believe they came from Journal #83. When I saw him in the fall of 2001 I think he was starting on journal #121... Barron is a non-stop drawoholic!!!! I'll find out what journal # he is working on right now when I see him at the Black Iraq show.

Pictured right, are a few of Barron's journals that he put on display at his San Jose show in 2001.

Maybe one day a publisher will figure out how amazing Barron's jornals are and print an extensive collection of them... Maybe!?!

Untill then, there is Barron's Marat/Sade Journals published by Tundra in the early 90's. If you can find it, grab it, it's pretty rare. Barron's journals are amazing things. It's like looking straight into his head... and some times that can be pretty strange. That's the greatest thing about Barron's work, it's always a reflection of his uncompromising vision and the emotions that take him there. Many artists show you their masterpieces but Barron's never afraid to show you how he got there, which is always quite a trip.

Marat/Sade Journals • Tundra (Cover and Interior Page)

Detail of and illustration done about nightmares
My very own Barron Storey
Painting from 2001 show
Paintings from 2001 show
A photo of some of Barron's sculpture
As I said before Barron is a drawoholic and when you go to one of his shows there is plenty to see

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