
The writings on this page are original works © Ilah Sef, 2000, all right reserved.

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slumbering dreams
-----in darkness born

------------[ softly... whispers... ]
--------[ tattered threads of thought
--------spun on the moon's shadow... ]

--the night takes breath;
-------pauses, tremulous,

-------------on paper thin wings
---------of unspoken desire.




the shadowed rest
of fading dreams
falls softly in silken silence
the whisper of their reflection
glides across the dark ripples
of history's forgotten grief







into the web of eternity
slip the grains of time -
each grain a crystal note...
each note a haunted song...
ringing soft within
the hallowed halls of memory
to soothe the spinner at her loom
to troubled restless sleep



the splinter of an empty life
-------[falling, softly]
----------[forgotten, fading]
--tinged with acrid ash
-------the bite of a winter wind
----------swirling in the stillness
------of the silenced heart

Dusk | Midnight | Candlelight | Fireflies


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