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001. Who are the Dresden Dolls?

The Dresden Dolls is a Boston-based band comprised of singer/pianist Amanda Palmer and drummer Brian Viglione.  They have been playing together since 2000.

002. Where is the name 'Dresden Dolls' from?

The band started out being called Out of Arms but changed the name early on to The Dresden Dolls. �The name works in a lot of different ways.  One of the things I like about it is that it doesn�t mean anything in itself. There are these toys, these actual dolls made in Dresden. Before the city was destroyed in the war it was famous for its china and these dolls.  So Dresden Dolls actually exist, you can buy them online.  But the thing I like most about it is that the word Dresden for most people conjures up an image of the firebombing in World War II. And the idea of this firebombing, this explosive and painful thing for everyone juxtaposed with the idea of this delicate little vulnerable doll�I thought fits perfectly with the music.  Because the music is sort of the same way, it�s 0 to 100. ( Amanda )

003. Where is Dresden?

Dresden is a city in the east of Germany, south of Berlin.

004. Where can I find a biography of Amanda and/or Brian?

Complete biographies of Brian, Amanda and the band can be found on The Dresden Dolls' website.

005. What do Amanda and Brian look like? What do they look like without make-up? What about as children? How about nude?

Check out the
photo section of their website. As for the nude photos, I don't think there are any. But Amanda is on call in case 50 Cent every needs an intellectual suburban white girl in his porn movies.

006. What else have Brian and Amanda been ivolved with?



007. What recordings have been released by the Dresden Dolls?

They've released two actual albums, A is for Accident ( a collection fo live tracks ) and a self titled studio album. More information about these can be found at the
discography, and you can order them at the official site. The Dolls also sold a 5 track promotional demo at their shows, but which is no longer available.

008. Why were there two versions of the studio album released?

The album was first released under the band's own label, 8ft. Records, and the re-released under a larger label, Roadrunner records.

009. Why were there three versions of A is for Accident released?

The first release was a cardboard sleeve, and Amanda didn't like the picture, so another cardboard sleeve edition was released. Finally, Roadrunner released the album in a jewel case and without the last track, Stand By Your Man. Also see the

010. Where can I find a recording of one of the Dolls' unreleased songs?

Many recordings of Dolls shows exist.  The band allows taping at their shows so long as the taper provides the    band with a copy of the tape for their archives.  Some of the regular tapers are regulars on this forum, so    if you are looking for a copy of a song that's not released, this isn't a bad place to start.  HOWEVER, this   is primarily a discussion forum, and after awhile, a ton of posts saying only "I want a recording of Sex Changes, does anyone have it on mp3?" gets irritating, and will probably get you ignored.  So hang around awhile and get to know us.  We're nice people and we do share, just don't pester us too much about it.  Every couple of   weeks someone usually posts a track or two from a show they recorded, so just wait around, join some discussions    and make some friends. You can also download live tracks at
The Brigade.

011. Are there any songs available to download through the Dolls themselves?

Why, indeed, The
official website offers downloads of the band's two singles, Girl Anachronism and Coin-Operated Boy. You can also hear Missed Me, Good Day, and Half Jack there. Also on the website, you can download their two music videos.

012. Do The Dresden Dolls allow taping/video/photography at their shows?

Photos are always fine, audio and video taping are allowed so long as you provide the band a copy of the tape for their archives. Even if your video camera is crummy and your tape isn't very good, they'd probably love    to a copy, especially if they're touring away from Boston.


013. Who writes the songs?

Amanda. She also composes the music, and Brian later adds the drums.

014. Where can I find the lyrics to their songs?

For the released albums, you can find them
here. For the songs they haven't released and their covers, you can go here.

015. What covers have the Dolls done?


016. What does _insert song titles here_ mean?

Check here


017. What's with the armpit hair?

I think a better question is this:  "what is your problem with armpit hair?"  Seriously- why are you wasting your time asking about that?

[ the rest are answered by Amanda herself ]

018. Are your eyebrows tattoos?
No, I was born this way. I am a specially bred member of the Illuminati and they function sort of like alien bar codes. Every time I travel to the center of the earth I have to press my face up against a large glass cog with laser beams scanning my face to gain admittance. For those of you who want the look, though, I suggest a Mach 3 and  Maybelline Liquid Eyeliner in Black or Dark Gray.

019. I'm 9 and I want to see your show that's 21+. Can you put me on the list? Please?
As much as I wish we could do this, we just can't. The clubs would get sued and everybody would be sad. We try to book as many all ages shows as possible, so take heart.

020. Are you guys a couple?

A couple of freaks.

021. Can I have your autograph?

Yes. Send us your address, or better yet, mail something to be autographed. ( Address is on the official site here or you can email them here )

022. I, too, make musical sounds and want to send you an reproduced rendition of my latest works. Where can I send it?

To the address above, my friend. We're touring A LOT, so give us a chance to get back to you. But we do listen to everything that gets sent eventually. Make sure you put your contact info on the disc.

023. Here's a link to my band. Can we open for you in Boston/Seattle/New Orleans/Paris/Port-Au-Prince

We don't have web access on the road. Send a disc to the address above and we'll check it out. As far as opening goes, if we dig your stuff enough to ask you to open you will definitely hear from us or someone who is helping with the booking.

024. I made a Velvet Painting of The Dresden Dolls kneeling at the altar of Graceland...where can I send it?
To the above address, and please sign your work for posterity! Also, make sure your name and contact info is on it somewhere in case we ever display it and want to get in  touch.

025.  Is Eight Foot Records accepting demos? Do you need interns?

By all means, send your music along to the address below. Who knows. We are set for interns at the moment. They all sleep under Amanda's bed at night, huddled together for  warmth.

026. I want to be a statue/fire-breather/stripper at your next show in my city. What's the next step?

First take a deep breath. Then go to The Brigade and see what's going on. Chances are you are not alone and there will be people there with  whom to plan  
to commi erate.

027. I want to play your songs on the piano! Do you have sheet music?

We're working on it. Send us your email and let us know that you want to be notified when the book comes out. ( check out the 'replicate' section )

028?. I took pictures at your last show and they're amazing. Do you want me to send them to you?

Yes. Yes. Yes. But instead of sending them directly, post them for eveyone (including us) to see at the forum

029. When are you playing in my city, godammit????

Soon. Now don't get your panties all in a twist. Every confirmed show we know of is up at www.dresdendollls.com/calendar. Join the mailing list at ....... and you'll be the first to know when more dates get announced.

030??. I want to help you promote shows...do you have a street team?

Yes, indeed we do. Go to the official site to join the mailing list and street team here

031. I run a club and want to book you.

We're happy. Email [email protected].

032. Do you hang out after your shows? I'd really like to meet you guys.

Why indeed we do. We usually take ten or fifteen minutes after we ?finish to fix our hair, then we head out to the table where Cds and shirts are being sold. And yes, we will sign your nipple/bible/CD/sneaker/pet. Bring a sharpie.

033. Do you sell copies of the show?

Unfortunately, we are not able to make videotapes for viewers. However, we are happy to take viewers' names and numbers and notify them in advance if we repeat a show that they would like to tape

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