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FROM: Dr. John Carpenter
TO: Anthony Russo
SUBJECT: Mythic Interpretations
Between your book and the unexplained events all over the city, I've become a believer in the very myths I've been teaching for so long. The only problem is trying to determine which hold the most "truth". I'd love to chat more about Grandmother when you get a moment.

FROM: Kate Dennison
TO: Anthony Russo
After watching Sean rescue Kelly, I couldn't help but think of Tom. After hearing your crazy idea, I never expected to actually see Tom. He was so distant at first, but leading you back seems to have helped him considerably. After you left, he told me about Sarah and I promised to help however I can. Thank you for bringing him back to us.  -Kate

FROM: Chet Mason
TO: Anthony Russo
SUBJECT: Bad Decisions
If everybody was satisfied with himself there would be no heroes. I think Twain said that. Ballsy kid, fucking ballsy.  -Mason

FROM: Dr. John Carpenter
TO: Anthony Russo
SUBJECT: Transformation
Joseph Campbell made a career discussing myths and heroes. It's quite unnerving how much relevance I'm finding between his words and the current situation of you and your friends. "When we quit thinking primarily about ourselves and our own self-preservation, we undergo a truly heroic transformation of consciousness." Your family is safe by the way, just say the word when it's safe for them to come back.  -John

FROM: Chet Mason
TO: Crucible
SUBJECT: "Rescue"
Kate wants all the information you guys can give her on 'rescuing' Spectres. Personally I think fumigation is much more efficient, but she's determined to save all that we can. Fuckers don't deserve it if you ask me.  -Chet

FROM: Zoey Vitt
TO: Anthony Russo
Sorry man. Annie tells me it's not all that bad. But still... I bet it sucks.  -Zo

FROM: John Carruthers
TO: Crucible
SUBJECT: your little friend
That 'girl' you guys dropped in our tank has snapped out of whatever daze you put her in. She's been attempting to chew her way out all day. We'd appreciate a pick up whenever you get the chance.  ;-)

FROM: Kate Dennison
TO: Crucible
She's not responding as well as Tom did, so... not really at all. I don't think there's anything I can do for her.  -Kate

"What the hell do you think you're doing? There's no time to check email! That limited time offer on Viagra can wait, you've got bigger problems scratching at the door. Now get the fuck out of that meat and give us some covering fire!"  -Chet Mason

FROM: Chet Mason
TO: Everyone
SUBJECT: Follow Ups
The number of spooks that still haven't checked in gives me a bad feeling. We'll spend the day checking up on these guys to find out if they're MIA or just pussy. 0900 tomorrow morning we expect everyone at Redux to discuss battle plans.

FROM: Chet Mason
TO: Everyone
SUBJECT: Check in with Redux NOW!
The enemy is finally making his move. It's a big one. They're pouring over the city in bigger numbers than we've ever seen and they're using tactics we didn't think they were capable of. If you haven't checked in with us, you need to do so now! Once we here from everybody we'll start assembling fire teams make these fuckers reconsider!  -Mason

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