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Orpheus Lexicon


As with any organization, Orpheus agents have their own slang and verbal shorthand to describe their existence, their powers and situations they fall into.  The terms used are generally of two sorts.  Some are easy colloquialisms coined by agents on the job, with a natural prejudice towards the dramatic and descriptive.  Scientists and researchers from the Orpheus Group created the others, leaning more towards scientific terminology, precise phrasing or complicated jokes in classical languages that only one agent in a hundred understands.  Agent slang is far more common than researcher slang � at least among agents.

Beach � Vacation or down-time between missions; usually a week or longer.

Big Bad, The � A powerful Ghost or projected entity commanding several others or controlling a group of humans in some way.

Black Heroin � Pigment.

Blips � Ghosts with 2 or 3 Vitality, generally interpreted as near-functional by agents.  �We�ve got two Blips here; I think I can handle it, but be ready to send in backup.�  Also called �reactives� by Orpheus.

Breaker � Slang term for Poltergeist.

Control Freak � Slang term for Skinrider.

Cradles � Sleeper cryo-suspension tubes.  Also called �coffins�.

Crucible � A circle of Ghosts and projected entities; to indicate a group�s disparate interests working together.  �So they asked our Crucible to look into the mess��

Deadheads � Pigment addicts.  �I hate Deadheads � it�s like they can see us.�

Death Merchants � Freelance mercenary Projectors.

Drones � Ghosts with 1 Vitality; ones on the bottom rung of the disembodied scale from an agents�s perspective: �Nothing but Drones here.�  Often called �static repeaters� by Orpheus agents.

Flicker � Slang term for a Wisp.

Fumigation � A mission involving ridding a place of Ghosts and projected entities, usually by destroying them; more commonly used by researchers than agents.  �Today�s assignment is a straight Fumigation run��

Gauze � A Spook�s body; a reference to its appearance.  �Its Gauze was in pieces, and it didn�t have any fight left.�

Ghosts � Nonprojecting Spooks.  There are two types of character Ghosts: Spirits (or normal Ghosts) and Hues (Pigment users).  �So we figured it was a Ghost, but we weren�t sure whether it was a Hue or not.��

Go Zero � When a Skimmer leaves her Meat behind and projects out of her body.  �She went Zero in five seconds flat; I was impressed.�

Horrors � Powers used by Projectors or Ghosts.  �How was I supposed to know he had a Horror like that?�

Horror Show � Illegal operation where a client hires Orpheus to terrify the target, usually reducing him to insanity (or a nervous breakdown) or causing a (possibly fatal) accident.

Hue � A Ghost who was a Pigment user in life, essentially different from a Spirit.

Jasons � Normal humans possessed by insane Spooks or Spectres, and acting in a violent, homicidal, serial-killer sort of way.

Lament � A Spook�s �race� or species, as defined by Projector or Ghost.  �Please state the target�s Lament in the box at the top of the form.�

Maelstrom � A great event that is rumored to ravage the Wastelands.  Little is known about it but vague rumors and whispered stories.

Malkovich � A term for a Skinrider�s host or someone being controlled.

Manifesting � A Ghost�s or projected entity�s ability to appear and interact with the living.  �So then he Manifested, and things really went to hell in a hand basket.�

Meat, The � Slang term for the physical body when a Skimmer or Sleeper abandons it to project.  �She left her Meat behind and went through the wall.�

Networking � Sharing Vitality inside a Crucible.  Used predominantly by agents.

Nothing, The � A rumor spread by some Ghosts about what lies beyond death for them, and what happens when a Ghost is utterly destroyed.  Understandably, there�s a lack of evidence.

Pigment � A new hallucinogen, also known as Black Heroin, currently on the streets.  Addictive but cheap, and popular among the casual drug crowd (like college students and ravers).

PLE � Post Life Entity.  Orpheus Group�s �PC� term for a ghost.

Plasm � Technical term for Gauze.

Project Echo � The Orpheus Group�s investigation, creation and use of Projectors.

Projectors � Humans who can send their souls out of body.  Some are Skimmers, some Sleepers, but also called �projected/projecting entities.�  �We figured him for a Projector; the hard part was finding where he�d left his body.�

Puppetmaster � Slang term for a Skinrider.

Quick, The � Nobody at Orpheus knows how this term came into parlance, but it�s a reference to �the Quick and the dead,� and thus indicates the living.

Rave � Fight involving multiple Spooks of any kind.

Ripcording � Act of a Skimmer returning to his body immediately.  Usually used as a last ditch method of escape since the act damages the body.

Screamer � Slang term for a Banshee.

Shade � One of five personality types governing a Spook�s outlook.  Orpheus has classified eight personality groups total, but little is known about three of them.

Shroud, The � The mystical veil separating this world from the one that�s supposedly beyond it; known in some circles as the �Stormwall.�

Skimmers � An agent who projects from her body using yogic techniques.  �Skimmers get it easy, they just drop the Meat and Go Zero.�

Sleepers � An agent who�s been flatlined and whose body is in cryogenic suspension.  �Yeah, I�m a Sleeper.  And yeah, I do miss the sex.�

Snow Job � Orpheus slang for a mission that looks too easy.  �Looks like a snow job to me.�

Special Effects (or F/X) � Any Horrors or Stains.  Often used in public situations when conversation needs to sound innocuous.

Spirit � A Ghost-type Lament; Spirits are the most common form of Ghost, and the two terms are often interchangeable.

Spite � Negative energy and emotions that collect to darken a Spook�s soul.

Spook � This refers to both Ghosts and projecting entities since Ghost is actually a type of Lament; essentially a ubiquitous term for anybody in Gauze or without a body.

Squatter � Slang term for a Haunter.

Stains � Physical deformities that appear on some Ghosts and projecting entities who frequently give way to violent passions or personal bitterness.  They often provide some sort of physical protection or advantage to the character, however.  �She was showing Stains; nails six inches long, teeth like a wolverine.�

Vibe � the possible presence of supernatural elements.  �I�m picking up a Vibe.�

Vitality � The force of personality of a Spook; the resonance of life within it.  Drones and Blips have scarcely any Vitality, but Crucibles typically have a high Vitality.

Wastelands, The � Rumored world of the dead being ravaged by the Maelstrom on the other side of the Shroud.
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