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This page logs messages and information from the mysterious Radio Free Death. Anytime you see an underlined message you can actually listen to broadcast yourself. You don't even need to be on pigment!!

10.18.07 "Me and Grace are heading to Mayfair Greens now, I'll be seeing you soon. Maybe once we're done we can check out the reports I've been getting about Spectres near the Bank One building."

10.11.07 "To hell and back eh? I hope what you learned was worth it. I can't help but think Orphan-Grinders are our ace in the whole against Her. Nothing against the Hellboys, but it's nice to know there's another Orphan-Grinder out there who's willing to fight for us."

10.4.07 "So Lawgivers go home to lick their wounds, huh? They don't seem to be as hard ass as Reapers, but that knack for showing back up tomorrow is going to get annoying real fucking fast. I put the word out so people can start aiming for that 'umbilical' chain of theirs."

9.25.07 "That guy from the 'Hellboys' got hold of me a bit ago. The bastard didn't seem interested in the Anti-Spectre at all! He was all 'my way or the highway' and shit. He did offer the theater up to our guys if needed, after a healthy warning to keep off the Montgomery hive of course. Fucker."

9.20.07 "I've been doing some research into the Hellboys. They're not Spectres at all, they're Orphan-Grinders but most of them are covered in stains and ride monstrous horses. They seem to pal around with Spectres though and sometimes attack projectors for unknown reasons. Watch your backs guys, anything could happen."

9.13.07 "I just heard about the showdown at Redux. I'm sure most of the ASM is already there, but I'll give the Blasphemers a shout and head down there anyway. I'm not sure what kind of support we'll be able to give without the defensible position you guys have, but we'll be ready to hit the Spectre flank if the need arises."

9.6.07 "Sorry it took me so long, I had to duck and weave the whole trip down here. If Norman's in trouble, he's going to need your help. I'll take care of Grace, you guys go help your friend. When you see Russo, tell him it might be time to call for an Anti-Spectre meeting. Maybe we can hold it at Redux and coordinate with them..."

8.31.07 "The Spectres are starting to push out from the hives. This isn't good. They're snatching every ghost they find and dragging it back to the Hive. I don't think it'll take too long for them to canvas the city. Stay low, dig in, and prepare for a long night..."

Interested in reviewing the older messages from Radio Free Death? Click here to check out the Archives page. Sometimes, remembering the past is the key to surviving the future.
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